About Brian 

April 27, 2008

This beautiful Sunday morning finds me sitting in the Denver International Airport. Funny how many of these little entries I find mysefl writing from airports. It's a sign of the times I guess.

I've contemplated what to say today. I can't think of anything. I am so full that I'm empty. The last few weeks have blurred together and so many things have been spoken and prayed about that I find myself almost flat footed with it all.

Yesterday, after two days of highly productive meetings in Santa Fe regarding music, missions and the Daily Audio Bible I got up at dawn and drove pretty much all over central New Mexico from White Sands to the Very Large Array complex. There's a White Sands story that is too long to write here and not particularly flattering to me that I will tell you soon. That one day in the car with mile after mile of open space helped to water the seeds that have been planted over the last couple of months. We need those times. I've written it here before but I'll say it again, SLOW DOWN for a second. It's in the empty spaces that we hear God's voice. It's very hard to sense clear direction when you are exhausted from life and hurried at every turn. I think I can say that from experience. It's an adrenaline rush to live on coffee and make quick decisions but that's not the way Christ operated. I see nothing but purpose in His methods. Every word He chose calls to something deeper. Something in the heart. And don't we see Him constantly getting our of the fray to pray?

My heart is full right now. I have a lot to process. It hasn't all been rosy the last few weeks. There has been intensely personal spiritual warfare in my life. Jill cut herself really bad yesterday and had o get 8 stitches. I was way out west and could do nothing. I've had to face confrontational issues among friends. This stuff is not fun but covering it all is the underlyibng conviction that I am somehow walking with God. I believe when we have that assurance we can methodically deal with what life brings one step at a time without allowing chaos to rule. At least that's what I see Jesus doing. No matter how busy things get we have to guard our hearts and keep them open to whatever Jesus wants to speak.

I realize what I've said is probably disconnected and random but I don't know what else to say this morning. You and I are all figuring this out together and step by step we get closer.

Onward Comrades,


Brian Hardin, 4/27/2008

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