About Brian 

November 9, 2008

The elections are over. Over. Whew. Oddly it seems that the partisanship really reared it's ugly head among Christians after the fact. So much so that it spilled into our corner of the world and is actually still going on. I find that a little peculiar to be honest. It's interesting how we're very comfortable letting God be in control as long as He sees things our way.

The good lesson to be had here is that no matter how much we think we have figured out and no matter the rhetoric we spew or koolaid we drink God is in control. No matter what our issues are or how our passions rise, God is in control.

I got an email five times this week telling me not to accept the new dollar coins here in the United States because they no longer say, "One nation under God," on them. I think that's a fine idea. I feel comforted to have that on our money but whether it's there or not we are one nation under God. Every nation is. As a people we have the will and means to reject God and turn our backs on Him certainly but how do you suppose we got that will to begin with? It's a gift from God. To think that we have the power to overrun God's ultimate plan and purpose is about as misguided as we can possibly get to the point of total delusion. God is in control. He's holding this whole thing together and allowing us the dignity of our free will. We get to mess everything up and He'll let us. All roads lead back to His feet one way or another and we can take the long road if we want to. He's patient.

So the elections are done. In a couple of months we will have President Barak Obama, the first African American to ever hold this distinguished office in our nations history. On the one hand I have to be happy for that. I have a receipt that has been handed down for over a hundred years in my family for the purchase of a woman about thirty years of age in reasonably good health. At one point my family owned her. It wasn't my idea. To see the country move this far beyond that makes me glad inside. I don't know about the rest of it. I don't know what kind of president Mr. Obama will be. What I do know is that God is in control. If taxes go up God is in control. If the economy totally tanks God is in control, If he's a really bad man, God is in control. If he's a really good man God is in control. You see, nothing has changed here. We have elected a guy to watch over the government. God is still in control. The mission of the Kingdom is unmoved by this. Your purpose in life is completely intact. So.... let's get to work now. We have a world to move for the King and the Kingdom.

Onward Comrades,


Brian Hardin, 11/9/2008

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