I think I've blogged more while sitting here in the prayer room in Kansas City than from any other place this year. Ironically previous to this year I'd only flown or driven through Kansas City. It's a cool enough town but just wouldn't have been on my short list of destination cities. My first visit to the prayer room here was in February on a whim. Here as the year grows tired and prepares to give way to the Holiday season I've been here four times, sent my son here as a missionary into the media department so that he can acquire the skills needed to help the DAB further push the boundaries of technology and made strategic alliances between the DAB and IHOP to do some vital and sobering things over the coming year. These are things I'll be sharing with you at the end of this month.
Every few months it feels like we are challenged to go yet deeper in our relationship with Jesus and our walk of faith. This brings up a range of emotions usually. On the one hand we feel challenged to enter a larger story and participate in something epic but on the other hand once the romance wears off and there is actual live ammunition being fired at us spiritually it's another story. I think if there's something my time in the prayer room has taught me this year it's that it doesn't matter what I think or feel like. Our responsability is to unreservedly obey what God is leading us into. We have to realize that our resources are a blessing from God, our families are a blessing from God and every breathe we take is a gift. When we get that part clear, it reveals much. I'm not surprised that the theme of actually LIVING what we're reading about rather than just having a daily devotional has emerged from Scripture this year. Irreversible change is what Scripture does to us and I sense clearly that we're not winding down another year just to begin anew. There is much left to be done before 2009 departs and we're going to be challenged in uncomfortable ways that lead to true experiences of Christ in this world. Get ready. I think it's going to be joyful and profoundly sobering at the same time.
Onward Comrades,

Brian Hardin, 10/25/2009