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Kim (Guest) 01/22/2011 10:03
Thank you for sharing your journey and ministry. I am a pastor in The Salvation Army and I appreciate your obedience to the Lord and love listening personally and so do my three young children. Blessings! Reading through with you this year!!
April 'nvcatlover' 01/22/2011 10:30
Brian...I can't imagine my day without you being a part of it, you are part of my family. Because of your willing obedience the Word has become real and my walk and faith have grown stronger everyday. I hope to meet you one day this side of heaven so I can hug your neck! God Bless you my friend...April
Henry Edwards (Guest) 01/22/2011 13:28
Brian is an instument in God's Holy choir. I am so blessed to be a part of the Daily Audio Bible family.
Laura (Guest) 01/22/2011 14:20
An amazing ministry. Great things are happening though this. Thank you for reaching out.
Kris 01/22/2011 17:40
Thank you so much Brian for having such a servants heart. It is such a blessing for the people who listen and has made my walk with Christ so much richer.
Livy 01/22/2011 23:44
Ooh how my Heavenly Father blessed me with the ability to hear the word of God daily.
I'm sixteen years old & although I'm doing what I can to learn how to fully devote my life to my Lord, reading the bible has always been a constant challenge.
I'll be the first to admit that reading the bible, for me, is difficult!
Considering the text of my bible is rich in the form of the older language, it makes it a challenge.
Brian, you have been sucha blessing to my grandmother and myself.
God be with you & your loved ones, siempre mi hijo en Christ <3
amstowers 01/24/2011 12:18
God bless you and your entire family. I Can not tell you how much I love your ministry. You are an inspiration to us all.
Virginia Farver of Gautier, MS (Guest) 01/24/2011 19:25
I began listening to the DAB last year and it has been a blessing I love you Brian, your wife and family, may God continue to Bless you, Keep doing.
Julie Tanner, MI (Guest) 01/25/2011 15:54
I just began listening this year and it has made such a big difference in my life already! My husband is on his second year w/DAB and we can listen together. It is so great! Our church showed the video last week too! Thanks Brian for listening to God's call and putting this together. Blessings & Peace!
Marvy (Guest) 01/25/2011 19:20
Brian, I am so very proud of you and, of course, your family. I tell everyone about the DAB. Your interview was very informative, honest, and just down to earth. Thank you Lord for the wonderful change that has taken place in your life and the whole family. You know that you and the family are constantly in my prayers. Love and Blessings to you and may you always have the zeal and desire to read the Word of God.
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