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Chris 10/14/2009 18:16
That's awesome craig! Just imagine we will be personally inviting thousands of people to join. You alone up in the Chicago area could reach in the 10s of thousands. Maybe even more!
. TonyN09 10/14/2009 20:44
What steps should one take to proceed with this?
tara 10/14/2009 22:08
I unvolunteer myself and volunteer Toni!
Chris 10/15/2009 04:38
The way I envision it,
1. The week between Christmas and New Years we could contact our local radio station(s)
2. Ask to speak to the programming director
3. Explain (and this part we should get approval as we don't want to represent ourselves as being from the Daily Audio Bible without permission) that we are from the DAB and say something along these lines. (We would develop this "script" further but this is just kind of an example we can use. The purpose is to get our foot in the door.)
"Hi I'm _________, Regional Liaison from the Daily Audio Bible. With the start of a New Year just around the corner alot of people are looking to make a positive change in their lives. They are looking for answers. (If we're talking to a Christian Radio Station we'd say:)
Many believers love the Word of God but have trouble going through it on a consistent basis. Many have never been able to read the Bible cover to cover. There is a solution to that called the Daily Audio Bible. If you can spare 20 minutes a day you can go through the entire Bible in 1 year. The way it works is Brian Hardin, Record Producer from Nashville releases a daily reading via podcast...." Hopefully at this point you have their attention and can set something up.

As far as the non Christian stations I'm not sure if they work the same way but my spiel above would be a little different from above because the audience is so different.

"Hi I'm _________, Regional Liaison from the Daily Audio Bible. With the start of a New Year just around the corner alot of people are looking to make a positive change in their lives. They are looking for answers.
Many people have a desire to read the Bible to find those answers but don't know where to start, or because of the size and scope of the Bible they start to read and then give up, only to start and stop again at another time. There is a solution to that. With emerging technology, they can do it. If they can spare just 20 minutes a day...." Then tell them what it is and then tell them you'd like to invite their listeners to this podcast.

OK Tara, since Toni's doing Oklahoma i now officially volunteer you for the Dakotas....and Wyoming.... :)
. TonyN09 10/15/2009 05:26
I've got connections with a local news paper too, that okay?
Chris 10/15/2009 05:44
Absolutely bro. I think that would be awesome and fits right into our vision statement!

"Our ultimate goal is to provide the spoken Word of God to as many people as will listen in every region of the world that God will allow using whatever means God will allow for as long as God will allow."
tara 10/15/2009 07:37
I'm in Oklahoma now, Chris!
Chris 10/15/2009 07:44
Looks like you're going to have to really rely on your DAB Ninja skills you've so dilligently developed over the years ;)
tara 10/15/2009 15:26
Whaaaat?! haha ...
Faith 11/23/2009 20:26
Tara don't deny it...we all know you're a ninja. ;)
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