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Control Your Identity While On The DAB Site
An important piece of programming went into effect today here at DAB. As a user you no longer have to be known by your first and last name. You can choose from several scenarios how you would like to be identified.

A brief tutorial has been created to guide you through the simple process. Scroll to the bottom of the tutorials. It is the last one.

With this change it is VERY IMPORTANT that you change your first and last name back to what it actually is in your profile.

Brian Hardin 10/27/2009 15:56

Marcie in MO 10/28/2009 11:57
Awesome Brian. Thanks!
Joe468 10/30/2009 19:54
Very cool. Thanks!
rae 11/08/2009 12:25
Is there a way to set it so everyone can't see our first and last names when they click on our usernames?

Brian Hardin 11/08/2009 14:00
The only way to do this is to opt out of anyone seeing anything at all. There are only so many layers of options that we can do so we've given everyone the option of how they want to be known OR to simply not be known beyond the name they choose to reveal. Most people are fine with revealing a little bit more of themselves to those who are actually members of the community and site but the option is there to remain virtually anonymous.
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