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October 09 - TRAFFIC
Eating cheep to raise money
I heard this and my heart was cut deeply. Things are tight financially, so I got a 2 bags of 15 bean soup and a bag of rice for $3 and that is my lunch for the next few weeks. (Well, that and Tabasco sauce). The money I would be spending, at least $3 a day, I want to send DAB side. So... lets call it $30 in 2 weeks. (I think my soup will last that long. )

Anyone else want to join me in sacrificing our convenient and tasty american meals to help save some lives?

(Actually, with enough spices this could easily be a common meal for me.)
Matthew Epperson 11/12/2009 06:57

deborah 11/12/2009 13:48
Matthew, I was thinking along this line also. We eat out or order in at least once or twice a week at about $25 a pop. If we cut out one of those nights each week and eat the food we have in the house already, that would be $100 a month with little or no pain. Imagine how much more money could be put aside if we brown-bagged it a few days of the week also. Multiply that by the size of this community.