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tara 11/28/2009 14:04
In the meantime, you all are more than welcome to create a thread and invite everybody to join in the discussion on that thread. I know it's not quite the same... but there's no reason to not talk and pray for one another even without a dedicated forum for it. I miss our "sticky" feature though! :)

Penelope 11/29/2009 12:25
Oh, I know that we could start a thread, Tara. In fact, several were begun on the old site...and there's been a couple of prayer requests already on the new site...but there's several problems with doing it this way.

One is (as you said) there's no "sticky" feature, and the thread eventually gets bumped down and new ones started, and those of us who have been unemployed for months (and even longer, as in my case), can feel as if our needs are forgotten as new ones arise.

Another problem is exactly where would we start the thread? Even though many of us want, need, and covet prayer for our situations, there are other issues having an employment section would help, such as what Henry suggested. It could be a place to find help in writing resumes and cover letters. It could be a place of encouragement, of net-working, of resources for finding financial aid. So many possibilities.

I had several other thoughs, but the timer is dinging and I need to take care of what's on the stove!!!!!

If this is not a possibility, because of space, or time, or whatever, please let me know and I'll quit trying to kick a dead horse. *smiles*

(Thank you, both, for bumping THIS thread, btw. Hehe.)

God bless,

Penelope 11/30/2009 05:13
This is one of those times when being able to edit your own posts would be so nice.

As I reread my reply this morning, I realized that it might sound catty, or impatient, or both. *blushes*

I want you to know that I appreciate you, Tara, for your honesty, desire to help, and dedication to the DAB and its forums. Please forgive me if I came across sounding either of those ways. I may have been a bit frustrated, but certainly not with you!

Penelope 12/06/2009 21:05
I'm feeling ignored. =(

A simple no would suffice.

Silence is just...silence.

I'm sorry if I'm expecting too much.
Craig from Illinois 12/07/2009 08:47
Here's a shout out to you Penelope. :)

Many times I assume incorrectly that a "silent thread" is an ignored thread. Let me assure you that this is not the case. I've read this thread each time you posted. I read all the new posts every day. When I don't have anything useful to add to the discussion I don't comment.

I still don't have much to add to this thread, just one mans opinion, but I'll try to spark some banter for you and this thread.

I understand the need to work. At it's basic level, work's purpose is to earn money for food, shelter and clothing. Also, it's a good thing to be independent; not needing to rely on others for those necessities. However, beyond the basic needs we start to get into a gray area of wanting to sustain our comfortable lifestyle.

I'm not going to define where the gray areas exist and I will disclose that I am living in some mighty gray areas with my lifestyle. I am a hypocrite for even discussing this idea.

However, I am hearing a theme in the Bible readings the past few months. It points to the problem of become a "slave" or being in bondage to our comfortable lifestyle. Most of us work to keep up with paying for the non-essential stuff. I'm not going into length on this concept because Brian has pointed it out many times this year.

However, I am at peace about the uncertainty of the future because of this theme and the Biblical principals laid out regarding work. I own a struggling business and I am on unemployment. My wife works, so we are keeping up. So, the worry of the future could have me in the grip of doom and despair but it doesn't anymore because my perspective has shifted.

There is so much more to do out there in the world for the KINGDOM and that is liberating for me! Working to sustain the western lifestyle (whatever the definition) is not at the top of my list anymore.

I could throw all the cliches out there like "God will provide" and "God is in control". These are true promises, but I am a hypocrite to insinuate that I rely on these truths in my life right now.

The point is that maybe there are some "Kingdom Jobs" out there for you beyond the typical jobs you seeking. I would almost be disappointed if I heard you found a job that put you back into bondage of the "daily grind".

Starting an "unemployment or employment" section with the purpose to get back into bondage seems so counter to how we are to live.

There must be countless missions, agencies and organizations that need people to advance the Kingdom. (and that is just in the USA) Expand the pool to the entire world and just think of the opportunities!

OK, I know this is all very hypocritical coming from guy with no money troubles, but the point was to start some discussion right?

Peace and blessings to you Penelope!
Craig from Illinois 12/07/2009 09:40
I need to add this too. Penelope, your first post had a pure and hopeful request. You stated that you want to find the job that the Lord has prepared for you but your feeling overwhelmed by the process. You're looking for tools, resources and leads from a Christian perspective.

I support you in that idea and will affirm that in prayer. I also thought it was important to point out that we all need to be careful in our purposes for employment and to what ends employment will lead us.

Again - Peace and Blessings in your pursuit.
Penelope 12/15/2009 09:34
I'm sorry, Craig...I didn't mean to imply that I was feeling ignored because no one had posted on the thread. I was feeling ignored because the "powers that be" hadn't commented one way or the other. I guess I should have assumed that the silence was a "no" and let it be. I'm going to post about that on another thread. *smiles*

I appreciate your comments, although I'm not sure that you understand my situation, nor my heart attitude - which I've had to defend at times with my family and friends. I will accept that your comments are meant to spark banter, and will try not to take them personally...which may be difficult, since, after all, I am female, and tend to be emotional and irrational (which seems to be the general opinion of the male population concerning women a great deal of the time! Haha!) =P

I have been "unemployed" for over a year, now. I wasn't making much when I was employed, but as my son and I were living with my mom, and she was providing most of our food and shelter and amenities, we were able to live off of what I made. Then, she passed away two years ago this December 10th. The life insurance she bequeathed to me helped to pay for her funeral costs, and the little that was left over supplemented my meager income for the next 10 months. (I not only lost a provider at that time, but my dearest friend, and greatest prayer warrior...both losses greatly outweighed the financial one.)

Then the company I work(ed) for used some underhanded ploys in order to maintain a contract they had with the federal government. Our jobs were not figured into the contract, and so when we won the bid, the majority of us found ourselves reduced to "casual" status, meaning that we only work (and get paid) when we have projects. Unfortunately with the economic downturn, those projects have been few and far between.

And then I'm in the unique and difficult situation of being an "older" woman without a degree.

My unemployment benefits are a fraction of what I bring home when I'm working projects. Only by God's grace, and my brother's generosity (it's his home that my son and I live in, and he's letting us live here for less than his mortgage payments are) am I able to pay our bills and keep food on the table.

God has been so good, however! I worked just enough in the months of January through September, to provide for my son and myself. I've had some wonderful experiences that I wouldn't have had, otherwise, and have learned some life-lessons that I hope I never forget. A friend of mine has provided me with coupons, and some creative ways to save money on groceries. My son has had to do without almost everything a teenager feels is necessary for survival. I haven't purchased clothing or shoes for myself in over a year. I don't buy beauty supplies, or music, or even coffee, for myself. It's been extremely difficult at times, and the stress and worry sometimes threaten to overwhelm me. I find that it's best to continually lift my circumstance to the Lord in prayer.

Non-essential stuff. What's non-essential to one, may be essential to another. How do you know what's non-essential, and what isn't? Internet access for example. Do I give that up, and spend the gas money to go to the local library and use theirs, on an insecure line? I cannot, as my job (such that it is) requires me to have access to a secure, private, internet account. It's also the way that I look for and apply for jobs. Cell phones. Do I give that up? Or do I keep it, as it's my contact number for the job that I do at the moment, and i have to have one in order to do the business travel that I do. House phone. Do I keep it? Or let my cell phone, and its limited number of minutes, be my only resource. I have a brother in Ireland, who happens to own the home I'm living in. My house phone is my sole source of contact with him, other than posts thru Facebook. Sometimes we need to talk heart to heart about things that are difficult to write about and be understood. Food, gas, garbage pickup, utilities, car maintenance, water/sewer, home maintenance, school fees, doctor's bills for my son's chronic condition, etc., are essentials, regardless if I feel they are, or not. I don't give gifts, anymore, not even Christmas gifts. I don't send out Christmas cards. I don't subscribe to magazines or the newspaper, I don't go to movies, or even rent them, I don't go out to eat unless invited, I don't have friends over, I don't compulsive shop at the grocery store, anymore. I don't buy new appliances should mine go out...I go to places like Craig's list and try to find used ones. I pray over my car, and God is good. I drive a '95 that is paid for. I don't buy books, I don't get my hair done, even though I feel that I need to keep up my appearance should I get an interview, or meet someone through net-working. I don't belong to a gym, I don't go to shows or to the theatre, even when I'm invited by people that are in them. I don't travel, even though I have a dear friend in San Diego who had a baby almost a year ago, and I've never seen him, and I have never been to Ireland to visit my brother and his family. Please don't feel that I'm feeling sorry for myself, because I'm not. This is just life as I know it these days.

Would I like to have a job so that I could have these things back in my life? Yes. Is that my motivation for getting one? No. My motivation for finding a job is that my company's contract is over in a year, and will not be renewed as things are changing at Ft. Knox, and my job is moving to Ft. Benning. My employment benefits will run out in a couple of months, and the extension a couple of months after that, and what I'm receiving now is $200 less than I was at this time last year, since I haven't worked as much the last two quarters. I need a job to pay the essentials. Right now the daily grind would be a blessing and not bondage. Now the tears are coming.

I do trust that God will provide me with the perfect job for me. I'm content with the waiting, most of the time. The trouble with my family and friends is when I refuse to take two part-time jobs that pay minimum wage, just to have work. I refuse to enslave myself out of desperation, rather than trusting in God to provide.

By the way, I do not qualify for food stamps this time around, because I'm receiving a portion of my ex-husband's pension. Prior to that, my rent and insurance was coming out of our joint account, but I'm paying for them now. So...although the federal government thinks I'm making a little more each month, I'm actually receiving less. He is unable to pay the child support that the court mandated, which would be such a blessing at this time. I understand this, though, and feel that it would be stupid to put him in jail, or cause him to go bankrupt, where he wouldn't be able to pay it, anyway. Missions are feeling the crunch of the economic situation, and not only have less money in donations coming in, but have more requests coming in, as well. I didn't receive a Christmas food basket this year like I did last. I didn't have Thanksgiving dinner provided for me through my church like I did last year. And I'm not expecting the generous an
Penelope 12/15/2009 09:36
..onymous gift in the form of a check like I did this time last year. Not only do people who have, have less, but after a year, people expect you to have been able to find work...not be in the exact same place you were the year before. Their compassion is less, and I understand that. Agencies and organizations have very strict limitations on who can and cannot apply, and receive, their services, and rightfully so.

To imply that my need for employment was selfish, self-serving, and a desire to be blessed with worldly riches was actually quite hurtful and discouraging. =( I know that you didn't intend for it to be. That's one reason it's taken me so long to reply.

Sometimes I feel guilty because I don't think I do enough. Perhaps if I spent more time looking for a job...if I were to live on beans and rice (which I would do if I didn't have my son living with me!)...if I weren't to indulge in a $1.00 cappuccino at White Castle every great once in a while...if I were to micro-manage better...if I could only learn how to use E-bay (and not be frightened by it), I could sell my parents possessions to bring in more money (at a great emotional loss to myself and my family)...if I were to do this, or do that...THEN God would bless me with a job. If I were a better person, a more faithful Christian, if my heart were in a better place, if I were right with God, if I were more savvy, prettier, smarter, more forceful, could sell myself better...the list goes on and on and on.

Ultimately it comes down to God caring for me, and about me, and providing for me. When I do get the job He has for me, imagine how I'm going to rejoice, and be confident that it was HIS doing, and not my own.

I really don't care at this moment if we have an employment section for myself, or not. But I do believe it would be an excellent resource for the many others in our community without work.

Thank you for your prayers, however.
randy 01/22/2010 00:26
Penelope...after reading this section i pray that God has found the right job for you?Have you checked the last or first entree in the prayer blogs forum? may God bless you.
Penelope 01/25/2010 08:35
Hehe, thank you, Randy. I haven't received the job God has for me, as of yet, but He's been so good to me and has continued to provide abundantly for my son and myself.

I'm not sure which prayer request you were talking about, I'm afraid that I may have missed it. =(

I did talk with an employee at the unemployment office last week, and I'm excited about the possibilities! I may even be going back to school! *faints* Haha! Actually, I'm truly excited about this journey that my Father and I are on together. *big smiles*

And Craig! I've been able to do more volunteer work since I've been unemployed, and I'm loving it! Just wanted you to know. =)

Thank you so much for your prayers! I still covet them...for my life, my job, and my family.

I pray that God blesses you all.
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