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October 09 - TRAFFIC
Stop The Traffik Christmas chocolate campaign
It is great that the Lord has directed us through Brian to take part in this crucial work to end human trafficking.

As part of this campaign, Stop the Traffik have launched their annual campaign to free the children forced to work on cocoa plantations by ensuring that all chocolate manufacturers work to Fair Trade standards. Cadbury's Dairy Milk going Fair-Trade was a recent success. Now they have turned their attention to Nestle. Please follow this link to find out what they are doing.

So far, Nestle have made their four-finger Kitkats Fair Trade within the UK - but as Stop the Traffik says why only the four-finger bars and why only the UK? Let's keep the pressure up until every single chocolate bar produced world-wide is Fair Trade.
Claire Stanniland 12/09/2009 19:35

jackoslife 06/21/2010 14:18
Amen, I think this is a good thing. We can have a voice on exploitation. I'm going to the link.