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October 09 - TRAFFIC
DAB "Tag" or "Ribbon" for the Human Traffic coffee
Hey DAB team could you come up with a tag, ribbon, or card that we could attach or hand out when we gift the coffee to others? My wife and I bought 4 bags; 3 of which we planned to hand out over Christmas to family. There is a small mention on the bags that tell part of the story. Our thought was to raise awareness and to initiate the "conversation" that has been started here by the Holy Spirit. I also am toying with the idea of donating some bags at the office where I work. If I am not around to discuss it with everyone who may "drink." I would like a card briefing describing the message.

What do you think about this?

Hey Merry Christmas, too.

rickdakidd 12/23/2009 20:26