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Another way to get the podcasts
I get the podcasts by going to the RSS feeds and, by right clicking on 'Play Now", and choose "save To Target" and keep a folder called DAB PODCASTS on my computer. No need to use ITunes. Listen at the computer or load to you MP3 player.
muudda 01/01/2010 09:08

ahendric 01/01/2010 15:15
is there a way to get them in an mp3 format?
muudda 01/01/2010 19:24
The way I described copies them to your file as an MP3
hi2meb 01/07/2010 01:14
Have you tried this lately? The feed on the "resource" tab titles "The Daily Audio Bible" adds a gadget to your Google homepage. However, when you click on any of the links in the gadget, the podcast doesn't play. Instead the DAB homepage opens, that's it., nothing else. It would be great if it worked as you described. It would solve my issue of wanting to listen to the DAB on my Palm Pre
muudda 01/07/2010 20:15
go to this site and follow my instructions above. Let me know if that doesn't work.
John T 07/10/2010 08:04
I use the program "Juice" to download the mp3's to my computer and then I can do what I want with them