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Hi all,

Great improvements on the site after the many months of waiting.
A couple of areas that need attention.

the link to listen on the LHS does not work the same as the link from the home page RHS
the LHS is
The RHS is

Logging in
It is so hard to see where to log in. I found the tiny text at the bottom of the forums eventually but it should be at the top or side in an obvious and prominent position. Also it should be on the home page when you first arrive as there seem to be several areas that require that you have logged in.

Create New Post
While this is not a big deal, I have not seen other forums where to create a new post you have to scroll right to the bottom of the screen. Just have a button at the top

And a positive
I love listening and keep up the great work
Tim 01/02/2010 07:18

Kevin Taylor 01/27/2010 10:25
Please consider naming the podcasts such that they list in chronological order when sorted alphabetically, on a phone.
In other words name "01 DAB January 1- 2010.mp3" as "01 DAB January 01- 2010.mp3" The "01", "02", "03" etc should make the podcasts play in order on my phone without having to slowly create a playlist each month.
Thank you.
HonorGod 02/15/2010 07:23
Hi DAB family,
I noticed that for the past couple of days the "READ ALONG" website from the DAB link is showing all the text from the daily reading in question marks. I really enjoy using this resource. I would be great if it could be worked on.
God bless you all.
I love what you are doing Brian and team.
deborah 02/16/2010 16:16
I noticed that yesterday. Looks good today.
Chet 02/16/2010 18:46
Yeah, the readalong decided to switch to Russian, which apparently doesn't render well in US browsers. My bad. It's fixed now... actually, it's fixed and IMPROVED now.
Craig from Illinois 02/16/2010 20:22
LOL .... funny to me, but maybe not for you! Good save Chet!
Christopher Seed 03/22/2010 14:18
I have actually just gone to and typed it in. It is very effective and has every translation/version. Happy reading!!!javascript:void(0)
Daniel G 04/21/2010 01:32
I have noticed a decided lack of an 'Edit' button for posts, I know that from time to time we all make mistakes even after we have looked over our post and think it ready to go. An edit button would be great.
Daniel G 04/21/2010 01:36
Another thing i have noticed is under the number of replies it counts the original post as a reply. not a big deal but maybe a bit confusing at first.
Scott 06/13/2010 13:25
Forum navigation doesn't seem to exist. For example if you reading a thread, posting or replying you can't get back to the same forum section easily, EG; Suggestions is not clickable after you post you have to go back to "all forums" and most people will not know what "topic list" is since I have never seen this phrase used in any forum software.