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October 09 - TRAFFIC
YWAM outreach for Human Trafficking
Hello Family,
After listening to the October month end review, I, along with many others of us no doubt, was awakened to the true problem of Human trafficking. I very much identified with Brian's feelings on this issue. Its outrageous. I work a standard 7-4 job, and, being as young as I am (22), felt pretty helpless to really do much about it. I live in the the San Luis Obispo area of California, and I had the privilege of meeting some YWAMers from the Pismo Beach YWAM Base who would be leading a DTS (Discipleship Training School) with a primary focus on justice and human trafficking. I told one of the staff members about the month-end review from the DAB and they were very excited to know that awareness on that scale was being promoted. They even listened to the podcast and hoped to get a chance to have the students listen to it on the DTS as well. Coming up here in April, the DTS staff of Pismo Beach, CA will be taking the students to Russia and China for an outreach to promote awareness and minister to victims of human trafficking in orphanages, shelters, churches, and hopefully even in schools and other public places. They are still praying much about the direction of the outreach, and are waiting on the response of their contacts in those countries. I would ask that the DAB family join me in prayer for their outreach and that God would use them to minister and touch as many lives as possible. If any are interested in supporting the cause, please email Natasha of the DTS Staff at She can answer any questions about the outreach and support. I think it is wonderful that YWAM and other organizations are reaching out to fight this. Please support the cause, and pray for all of those out there who go and fight this issue across the globe. Thank you family for your prayers and support, and God bless you!
MichaelJosh 02/17/2010 22:05

MichaelJosh 02/18/2010 09:20
Sorry family i just have a correction to make:


Sorry about that family and I realize not all of you are have actually heard of YWAM. YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is a non-profit organization founded in 1960 that seeks to raise up disciples of Christ, and equips them for missions across the globe. Its an awesome opportunity for young people (typically under 30, but not always) to be equipped to expand the Kingdom not just in foreign places but even at home as well. Thanks family, God bless you!