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The public can view my prayer request by Googling my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is kind of a big deal.
This is what anyone from the public can see if they google "kenmorrison30"

subject: depressed - by: kenmorrison30? - 2008? 10? 19?
this month has been quite brutal for me mentally. the worst thing is that there is no great reason for it. i can usually fight through these stints, but this one has been rough. ... - Daily Audio Bible - Forum

I don't like that and I don't think DAB wants this to be happening either. The link will not take a stranger to the prayer request in context, but they can see more than they should as is. I hope this is fixable.

Thank you for everything you do. This is a real concern though.
Ken Morrison
Ken Morrison 03/29/2010 09:27

Craig from Illinois 03/29/2010 10:47

I just did a google search on kenmorrison30 and two broken links to a DAB post were listed. I couldn't see any of your posts. Maybe you are getting some results from your own computers history? I did see some Twitter links that may or may not be you. I did a search for "depressed Kenmorrison30" and got two links to your Podcast Ally reviews of the DAB. Nothing else.

BTW, I found the most relevant search results by using the phrase "kenmorrison30 Daejeon South Korea". While studying Instructional Technology and Design at Emoria State University you should know that the saying "garbage in - garbage out" applies well to search engine results!

I did a search on my own user name too and only one post came up deep in the search results regarding the DAB. If you want to stay anonymous then set your user setting to "hide info from members and public". There has to be a lot of Ken Morrisons out there in this big world.

It's my opinion that the DAB is a public forum with safeguards to provide anonymity through the user settings. It's a pretty safe place to share your heart. There's no reason to be ashamed of our journey anyway. But I can understand your concerns. Keep posting Ken. We need you here!