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I'm pretty new to the Daily Audio Bible. I've only been listening for a couple of months. I really like the way the DAB uses lots of different translations whether The Message; The NLT; The NIV... Well you all know that anyway. I like the different perspectives it brings and gives a deep sense scripture. All this said, there is a translation which I would really like to hear which is missing: The Good News Bible. It is a translation that has meant a lot to me and it would be wonderful to hear Brian read it. There might be copyright problems or something of that ilk I suppose but is there any chance?

Peace and Love,


Will H 04/19/2010 07:59

Bibleman 04/19/2010 09:35
The Good News bible is, well, not exactly a scholarly bible, and I feel therefore that Hardin might not desire to read from it. Nonetheless, I don't know what Brian Hardin's perspective is on this matter, but the translations read from have been scholarly ones, whereas the Good News Bible is technically a paraphrase bible.

Grace and peace be with you in our LORD Jesus Christ,

Catholica 04/19/2010 12:56
Bibleman, I can't answer for Brian, but the Message is also a paraphrase Bible, so I don't think that being a paraphrase Bible would stop him. The Message is probably the most paraphrased Bible ever written, IMO.
Calico 04/19/2010 13:52
Ture dat :-)
Calico 04/19/2010 13:53

no edit button

to restate: "true dat" :-)
Bibleman 04/19/2010 18:31
Brian Hardin 04/20/2010 00:26
Actually the Good News Bible has been read from every year of the DAB so far. I don't know if it will come up this year or not but it's not a paraphrase. The Good News Bible is a simple language Bible but it's a full translation from the American Bible Society. The only paraphrase is The Message although Eugene Peterson actually has a masters in semitic languages so although he's paraphrasing he's going to the original language. The Message is in a lesser rotation than it's been in other years. I love reading from it but as I pondered the word Advance and as I prayed over this years reading schedule it was rotated less than other years.

I do think the Good News Bible shows it's face at some point.
