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Praise the Lord
So the end of February my brother accidently killed his 3 month old son. This has honestly been the hardest thing my family has ever had to go through. The only family I have that is saved is my grandparents and everyone else are either atheists or just don't care. My brother has never wanted to or even shown a slight interest in a relationship with God so this has been a crazy situation as he has to deal with the guilt of it and is currently awaiting trial that's pretty much all he does it dwell on what happened. Well my grandparents and I have been praying and he wrote me a letter telling me that he went to church on sunday and that he loved it. He said that he joined a bible study with a few other inmates and he even quoted a scripture in his letter. This is the biggest answer to prayer and am so thankful! My brother is experiencing the presence of God and starting a relationship with Him. Wow.
Myriah Staton 05/03/2010 22:34

Michael Teague 05/04/2010 02:19
Praying for your brother. I can't even imagine what he is going through. Please God, send him peace.
Leslie 05/04/2010 05:09
Oh Lord, bring Myriah's brother into a deep relationship with You. Tear down those walls of pain with Your powerful love. Thank you Lord for bringing him to church, opening the eyes of his heart using Your word to begin his journey with You. We praise Your name for Your work in his life. Protect his mind with Your scripture. Bring him Your hope in all of this Lord, restore him and his heart. Praise You Jesus...Praise Your Holy and Wonderful Name, for You are our God! In Jesus Name we pray Amen....

Thank you for posting Myriah, I hope you can update us about him often. His story is going to be amazing...because God is in it. ~Leslie
Myriah Staton 05/14/2010 21:37
Thank you Michael and Leslie! I really appreciate your prayers. Quick update: In my brother's last letter he told me that he has given his entire life into God's hands. He even said things like, "I pray that God will pour out his blessing, gifts, and perfect love on you as He has done with me". I can't imagine him saying something like that without a relationship with God. He has been so much more positive and has been talking to me about what God is doing in him every letter. He told me that he knows that God has a plan and purpose for him and that God hasn't given up on him. Thank you so much for your prayers! His trial starts on June 8th and he said he is pretty nervous but knows that everything is in God's hands.
Yvonne 06/24/2010 01:23
Praise God I asked you all to pray for my brother in Sacramento because he is a new Teacher for 5 years. Wow he got back with less pay but thats ok he is working again. what a relief. Gpd b;ess/ Yvonne Ps. I cannot not find my prayer request on this forum :{ so I used this one.