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I was baptized today!
Four years ago, I started attending a church because I knew something was lacking in not only my life, but my daughter's life. I sat in the back, sometimes clapped to the worship songs... Then I started getting more involved, started reading, and after about a year and a half, I found that I was talking to God on a daily basis. About a year ago, I found the DAB and really started diving in deep to the bible. And today, I fully, truly, officially, and publicly accepted Christ into my heart by being reborn.

Thank you Jesus for your ultimate sacrifice that I might be made new and my sins forgiven. I am a new person and I know you love me!
Jenna in Austin 05/16/2010 21:57

Craig from Illinois 05/17/2010 07:24
Fantastic news! Thanks for the testimony!
Christy 05/17/2010 16:49
Kelley 05/17/2010 17:17
Jenna this is beautiful! I Praise God for you. Baptism is soooo like a marriage, a public statement of commitment and belonging and the desire to live life together with the One you love. I will pray for you as the days unfold! Hug!
Sheena 05/23/2010 00:41
That is Awesome to hear, Jenna!

I will be taking that step myself here coming in June..I am looking forward to it very much! Thanks for sharing your great news and God Loves you!
Brian Hardin 05/23/2010 10:53

This is wonderful news. This is the best news I've heard all week.

RAHope4All 05/31/2010 10:24
This is Awesome news the Angels are dancin' in Heaven over Jenna... wooo-hoooo...
TerrieB 05/31/2010 23:03
Welcome to the Body of Christ. It may not be the easiest journey, but it is the only journey worth making.. The journey of a lifetime!
Shannon 06/02/2010 18:44
Congratulations!!! I pray that that you conintue to grow in Christ. I was baptized as a child but feel that I'm really just starting to consistently walk with God(he was with me all the time but I was not fully aware). The DAB has played a large part of me learning the word of God and implementing it in my life. I'm so excited for you! God is good!!!
Alexandria 06/02/2010 23:17
Congrats. i was recently baptized too which was in April so that is not recently.i pray u will continue to grow as God's child.