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A new little blessing
Our second child is on the way! We had our first ultrasound, today, and found out we're 8 weeks and 6 days along. That's amazing on its own, but the story behind it is even greater.

For our first child nearly 4 years ago (he's now 3), we had to have a little help, but we were able to get pregnant after a few months. Then last summer, we decided to try again, but after a few rounds of the same medication, my wife wasn't responding. We decided to call off trying for a year so she would be ready to be in 2 weddings this June.

A couple of months ago we had started to talk about what would be next, whether that was more fertility treatments or even beginning to look at adoption. Well, a few weeks ago (2 days after being baptized, actually!), my wife was complaining of the "symptoms" and wanted to take a pregnancy test just to rule that out. Well, after 3 positive tests, we decided we must really be pregnant!

We feel so blessed now that God has given us this child. It was most definitely through no extra help of man that this baby was conceived. And as my wife's doctor said today, God doesn't make mistakes. We're so excited for our little surprise gift from our Lord!
Andy Hardin 05/19/2010 22:05

Michael Teague 05/20/2010 00:17
It is so amazing to see those first ultrasound pictures. Praying things will go well.
Alexandria 06/02/2010 23:43
that is so WONDERFUL! I love babies and they are a blessings to parents.