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Restored 2010
Week 3 comments here
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deborah 05/30/2010 10:38

Jake Van Horn 05/30/2010 19:08
Just finished up week three and I was really struck by how many of the deceptions I have been convicted about of in the past, but have ignored or just kind of told my self " you should work on that". The wrongful defenses were a real eye opener for me. I have been praying for God to reveal to me what is holding me back. It's so liberating to discover strongholds I haven't even been aware I was subject too. Then to claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ, God is great.
Debra De Jong 06/02/2010 01:37
Just finished up week 3 as well. Very powerful lesson this week on deceptions. I too was surprised to see what strongholds were in my life.
Wayne Getty 06/03/2010 20:18
Restored is absolutely enlightning in my walk in Christ.I have been a beleiver for over 35 years. I understand how powerful it is to be in intercessory prayer and to stand against the enemy. One thing that has changed my prayer life is realizing that satan does not read our thoughts. Many times I have struggled in prayer against the enemy to be freed of a stronghold in my life and wondered why the stronghold is still there. Well...da... I would come against the enemy in my mind and stand against the devil but it was in my mind and not audible speaking. Praise God for the series of Restored each week now. I cannot believe how blind I was until recently to realize we must speak out audibly in our prayers. To speak out against deception and attacks upon our lives. I no longer will be silent in thought in coming against the enemy. Thank you Jesus for your revelation and your love and care to me my family and my brother and sisters thoughout the world.
deborah 06/03/2010 20:20
Wayne that is a major re elation for me too this time through. That in itself is a type of deception used against us.
Greg R 06/11/2010 13:48
Like Wayne, I too have been a Christian for long time. I’ve done many different jobs in and out of the church - most of them had to do with leading small groups. I have often prompted those in a group by saying, “Ok, we’ve shared some easy cliché type answers, who will be willing to share the deeper, get real, most honest answer?” Here I go - During my reflection on Chapter 3 it became apparent to me I was being tormented by a spirit of unforgiveness. I am not talking about an “attitude” here, but rather an actual spirit. I have renounced it, and continue to take authority over this daily. It has been easy to deceive myself and deny it, attributing it to encounters with difficult personalities, spiritual abuse in the church, carnal Christians etc. When you put the same part into ten different cars that were running fine and each one stops running what should the logical conclusion be? As Neil said in the introduction, “if I deceived you, you wouldn’t know it. “

I have always understood the requirement to forgive, but for the first time am beginning to understand the true meaning of John 20:23 - "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."

Besides the loving God I serve, I have a good friend I am going through this study with, and a loving, longsuffering spouse - both of whom will pray with me and hold me accountable. Verbally declaring daily, multiple times 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 has been a great help to me in stopping the excuses, mental arguments and questions brought to my mind i.e. . . Did they do that intentionally? That is what she said, but what does she really mean? How does this always happen to me? I wish I had said, Next time I will say, I’ll never give that person a chance to get near me again. I just won’t let anyone else in. There are an awful lot of “I”s in there aren’t there? The motive of others is irrelevant. I must forgive. Neil said in the introduction to this chapter regarding renewing our minds and overcoming deception, “This is a winnable war . . .you don’t read this book, you do this book. “

I just listened to the introduction to Chapter 4 where Brian says, “A lot of us have been wounded by “the church” here at the DAB, we wouldn’t be here like this if it weren’t so. . .” I am looking forward to finishing the chapter and DOING the rest of the book. Thank you Father that you are faithful when we are not. Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth, even uncomfortable truth. May we all press on together.