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Need Encouragement?
Brian's eyes
Brian didn't you know that when Jesus died he not only took our sins away but all of our health problems too ?

You have already been healed all you have to do is take and accept it !! Andrew Wommack has some great audio tapes about this that you need to listen to:

Health is something everyone wants. Billions of dollars are spent each year trying to retain or restore health. It is a basic desire of all mankind. Anyone who likes sickness must be mentally sick! Yet, religion has told us that God is the one who wants us sick. It even tries to make us believe that sickness is a blessing. That's just not true. God wants you well.

God Wants You Well ->

Most Christians believe God CAN do anything, but they don't believe that He HAS done very much. They live their whole Christian lives seeking, trying to get the Lord to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper them; but He's already done it. The true key to the Christian life is to quit asking and start believing and commanding.

You've Already Got It ->

Most Christians believe that God, in His sovereignty, does what He wants on earth. Is that true, or is it possible that He has limited Himself by His own words. If He has, then may be the only limits in your life have been placed there by you.

Don't Limit God ->

Don't limit yourself to just reading the Bible everyday to everyone here, expand it to living it each day and you WILL be healed !!

I know this works... Andrew's teachings has built my authority up and I have been healed of a disease there was NO cure for !!

Scott 06/13/2010 06:21

Helga 06/13/2010 07:30
Let God be the one who will deal with Brian and let us not judge. Gods timing is not ours and his ways are much higher then our ways. The word of God is a double edge sword and it penetrates through flesh and marrow and you are right Brian has been healed but God knows when to implement it. What if he needs a transplant and while he is getting is ministering to many different people and through that situation will draw another million people closer to Jesus.
Scott 06/13/2010 13:14
I wasn't judging anyone, I don't even know where you got that from.

My post was one of encouragement and pointing out a place to get more from just like anyone else here would do for someone else that is having problems.

As for the *what if* that is simply doubt that God has healed him and doubt will not help. Brian doesn't need anything except pure faith that God has healed him, there is no time or place in the future that God does this.

He healed us and forgave our sins the minute Jesus died. Doubt has no place with God.

All your *what ifs* are fruitless. I felt lead by Jesus to post this.

Helga 06/13/2010 14:51
Hey I am sorry if I misunderstood you sgrayban. I never also intended to come across that way. I think we all love DAB and see things out of our spiritual eyes. We see things according to what we perceive and sorry my vision might be a bit more slim but the love for Christ is the same. So all I can tell you I love DAB and Jesus thank you to be the Lord of this all
barry 06/13/2010 22:28
i'm sorry but i got the same impression as helga did, i have worked for the sick for >30 years, in that time, i have found God is sovereign, as a young 22 yr old icu nurse, it seemed unfair that a young 21 yr old brain dead from a mistake in the recovery room, could die on a Christmas eve, while i looked at pics of his family next to his bed, and then i would help another nurse turn her patient, a very old man who asked me why the Lord woudlnt' just take him.
i'm glad "you are healed" but tell someone else as you wrote "You have already been healed all you have to do is take and accept it !! " is a littel harsh. if you were to say that in our ward you would be asked to leave.
satan is at work here. as it is written, no house can stand divided against itself, think of it, Brian's gift to thousands is his READING OF THE WORD, so what does the snake do, try to mess w/ his eyes, i know for a fact, that w/o brian hardin, i would never have known the Word as i do today, and continue to do , everyday, i pass along stories to my daughter, who tells me of "what they read today" in her christian school. thanks to brian i can help her fill in what she might have missed, or go to it quickly in her bible and show her, thanks to brian hardin,
i am praying for you brian, i love you and all you have done, satan, get behind me
Scott 06/13/2010 23:28
There is nothing I said that was harsh.

I think coming here was a mistake...
barry 06/13/2010 23:42
i'm sorry you feel that way, what i'm trying to say is, yes, we are healed by the blood of Jesus, but life is tough. people go blind, people lose arms , legs, their voices go, their hearing goes, young and old. many miracles occur, medical science heals w/ the , as i believe, the guidance of our Father. but there is pain involved, a corneal transplant is a big deal, it is of concern, there is pain, there are doubts, these are human emotions, brian is a leader , w/o that man i wouldn't know the word as i do. i pray for him, jill is scared, w/ good reason, my worst fears are his vision, when he went to africa, i thought , and prayed, that he would be safe, thinking, what if brian weren't here? i prayed, i have seen many churches fail when the pastor moves on, dies, retires, divorces etc, so our leaders are important, i love that man,
Phyllis in Ukraine 06/14/2010 02:56
I don't think it sounded harsh, but sometimes God doesn't heal physical sickness this side of heaven. Tradition is that Paul's thorn in the flesh may have been eye problems, and God did not take that away. (But, like in Jill's reading, God did heal the temporary blindness! We don't know what will happen.) I'm praying that God will heal Brian's eyes, if that is His will, and if not, that He will give Brian and family grace to continue on with them.