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The Long Walk 2010
Illinois Experience

I was pushing really hard to hear a profound word from God on my first Long Walk. There was plenty of time in isolation along the hot and humid trails of a famous Illinois state park. At one point I stopped to rest and fervently asked God "make a refreshing rain fall from the sky" - but it did not rain. Continuing the walk, I began to wonder when God would speak or if I would know when it was time to turn around and go home.

I almost turned around but I sensed that going a little farther would be OK. A few moments later I could hear the sound of rushing water. Up ahead was a waterfall! The path went behind the waterfall into a cool, dripping cavern as if rain was falling from the sky!

I left the refreshing waterfall and returned back to the trails that would take me to my car. As I was returning I met several groups of people. Some were looking for the waterfall and some didn't know it existed. Some had been walking for a very long time and some had just started their journey. When I told them about the waterfall that awaits them, their eyes would light up in anticipation!

LESSON LEARNED - Once again, I confined God to a set of parameters made by my own limited expectations. What He gave me was a more than what I asked. Yes, I got my refreshing waters falling from the sky, but the joy of telling others of what lies ahead would have been lost if I got my downpour!


Craig from Illinois

Craig from Illinois 07/07/2010 21:33

Jenna in Austin 07/07/2010 23:12
What a great story! Awesome Craig!
April 'nvcatlover' 07/07/2010 23:46
Hi Craig! I'm so glad that you did not turn around but waited on the Lord to lead you...and what a glorious blessing! God Bless you..April
Calico 07/08/2010 11:38
Cool, brother :-)

You've come a long way in your ALREADY long walk, and I am not just talking about July 7th either. Your testimony that you recently posted shows an ONGOING walk, and I find myself blessed by seeing things play out in your life in such godly, positive ways.

I like how it is that some of the long-time DABbers can see that you have already journeyed thus far; and that you can turn around now-and-then to beckon others as you do (in your greetings to new DABbers in the "Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You" forum), saying "Keep going! There's much more to see up here!"

Awesome, brother, awesome,

Blessings and hugs,

Craig from Illinois 07/08/2010 19:46

Thanks for the comments and views everyone!

TOM, thanks for the encouragement. I know that hearing the spoken word of God everyday is a blessing. Yes, I want to tell those who are looking for living water where to find it!

Bonnie 07/08/2010 21:53
What a wonderful narrative! I have yet to visit Starved Rock, but your picture on Flicker is sure inviting. Wonderful how the Lord refreshed you, and how you were able to share the Good News of the refreshing water ahead with the other weary travelers. That is a challenge to us all!
Kelley 07/16/2010 00:50
Craig, I hope the water fall is prophetic of your next year, that God would hear your voice, all your silent wonderings, and that He will answer every barren moment with springs of living water that leave you filled with praise, and have a word of hope and encouragement for someone else who is coming behind you on the trail. You are so often an encouragment to me, here on DAB!
Rosanne 07/25/2010 10:24
Craig, what a wonderfull story :) Love that water took center stage here.
Craig from Illinois 07/25/2010 12:26

Big :) Kelly! And thanks Rosanne!

John T 10/10/2010 20:40
Sounds like a wonderful time. I look forward to trying out a long walk next year... Is this a leave the kids at grandma's sort of event so I hear God instead of them thing? :-) I'm thinking so. I look forward to next year.
