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Windfarm Radio player
I'm new to the DAB, been listening by podcast for a couple weeks. Really love the show! Awesome idea -- it's sooo easy to listen to the Bible verses making time to read it all the time. What a great way to get into God's word.

I'm just trying out the Windfarm Radio tonight and I've had it running for a little bit and noticed something. The songs are loud and the prayers are quite soft. When I set the player to a comfortable song listening volume I don't hear the prayers and when I turn it up for the prayer the songs are quite loud. Perhaps the levels can be adjusted to make the speaking a touch louder than the music so that I can play it in the background.

Lovin' it!
THanks for all your good work,
John T 07/14/2010 19:20

Tom B 07/14/2010 20:51
Hey John.
This is a little off your main topic, but I want to make this suggestion anyway: Whenever you can, I suggest reading along. In 2009, I listened every day, and for the first time in my life experienced the whole Bible in a year. I had tried to do that many years, but I often got sidetracked--sometimes with stufying specific books or topics. This year, I am reading along with the translation of the week, and I am really experiencing even more. This is a great place to be.