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Need Encouragement?
out of sorts
Yes, dear friends, we are already God's children, and we can't even imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. (1 John 3:2 NLT)

We have an expression that we use to describe someone who's out of sorts, who's not acting like the person we know her to be: "She's just not herself today." It's a marvelous, gracious phrase, for in a very real way, no one is quite himself today. There is more to us than we have seen. I know my wife is a goddess. I know she is more beautiful than she imagines. I have seen it slip out, seen moments of her glory. Suddenly, her beauty shines through, as though a veil has been lifted.

All of us have moments like this, glimpses of our true creation. They come unexpectedly and then fade again. Life for the most part keeps our glory hidden, cloaked by sin, or sorrow, or merely weariness. When I see an old woman, doubled over with arthritis, the hard years etched into her face, I want to cry, Eve, what happened? How truly wonderful it will be to see her in her youth again, the full flower of her beauty restored.

When the disciples saw Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, they got a peek at his glory. He was radiant, beautiful, magnificent. He was Jesus, the Jesus they knew and loved-only more so. And we shall be glorious as well. Jesus called himself the Son of man to state clearly that he is what mankind was meant to be. What we see in Jesus is our personal destiny.

(Desire , 116-17)

How encouraging is that!

Ray 08/26/2010 14:18

Jake Van Horn 08/27/2010 01:24
yeah, what a mystery this is to me. I have a hard time getting my mind around these verses. Very encouraging.
Ray 08/27/2010 07:23
We all do.

It might be really cool to try to express when we have gotten a "glimpse" of the glory in us. Like John, seeing his wife as "goddess." It would be rare for me, but I did have a very special moment recently when my "non-athletic" wife went down a river in a kayak with me. The circumstances were all around giving to a person who's life is in perilous state. Nothing could have been more giving to the person than to enjoy the flow of the river for possibly the last time, not an easy thing for a city girl. It was an amazingly beautiful event. God was there.

We will be like Him.