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Need Encouragement?
need encouragement to stay the course
Today I weighed in, the scale says I've gained almost 3 pounds over the weekend.

I started eating correctly, walking daily, and have been steadily losing weight since the end of May. No dieting, no starving, just eating correctly and exercising regularly.

This morning's weigh-in threw me some, made me want to give up.

Has anyone else experienced this....a sudden weight gain for no apparent reason, after many weeks of
slow (a pound a week) progress?
Ken Mikkelson 08/30/2010 10:49

Ken Richards 08/30/2010 12:00
All the time! Sometimes it's just water weight that will go away soon, sometimes if you look closely you'll see that you've been slowly allowing more calories into your diet. At least that's what I do. Then I make a course correction.
Ken Mikkelson 09/08/2010 10:34
Thank you. God has proven faithful as he gave me strength to stay the course.
Penelope 09/08/2010 21:55
Praying for you and with you, Ken.
Calico 09/08/2010 22:48
Ken, hugs, man,

I long ago stopped looking at the scale on a regular basis. Not that I do NOT look at it at all, but just stopped in the daily "measuring" ways: the matter is more about the daily doing of all that you described above, "I started eating correctly, walking daily, and have been steadily losing weight since the end of May. No dieting, no starving, just eating correctly and exercising regularly."

I have done the same thing, too. I in recent times I HAVE weighed myself, but I have not done so for the purpose of "goal setting." It was simply a "hmmmmm, where's that at now?" sorta line of thinking so as to PERIODICALLY benchmark. So, without the daily monitoring, by daily living-out the principles of what you have described above, I have gone from the 212 lbs of April of last year to the regularly sustained weight of 186 lbs. That's a healthier benchmark for my 6' height.

So: keep going, brother.

Live it out, don't let the scale bring any sense of anxiety. KNOW you are living it out by what you honestly do daily in your life. You'd read your Bible in the same way; so, apply the same concept to your "eating correctly, walking daily, and have been steadily losing weight."

The matter will come to fruition.

Praying with you,

Helga 09/09/2010 09:03
Ken first of all I am so proud of you that you made the choice to adapt a better or healthier eating plan. Do not give up. This must become a lifestyle. You will see fresh fruit and vegetables will taste better with time and you will not only loose weight but you will feel so much better. I am reading at the moment "The China Study" T.Collin Campbell. So interesting. Get some info about healthy living.
Don't give up God loves his people to have a healthy body.
Ken Mikkelson 09/09/2010 10:26
Thank you for your support. I think the most important thing I've learned along the way is to abide in Him.
All the diets, programs, etc. will not work for me...only abiding in Him, finding my comfort in Him instead of food or TV sports or any other distraction the world may have to offer. The thing that really started me on all
of this was a verse that says that if you seek His kingdom first 'all these things' will be added to you, and I took that to include a health body as well. Seeking His kingdom first has been the key. His word is food for my soul, this I know very well. Starve the soul and it looks elsewhere for something to feed on.
Helga 09/09/2010 22:47
The worst is Ken, the word diets and programmes. It just puts us in a box because of so many fad ideas. I agree with you, seek first the kingdom of God and he will add to you whatever you need. In the bible you find the perfect eating and living plan.