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Healings and encouragement
Hi all,

Something else I wanted to share. As some of you who frequent the forums here will know I have had a rather rough week, spiritually speaking. I went through both types of depression from which I suffer in quick succession, in addition to all sorts of other things from around outside. My heart felt, like the psalmist says, melted away within me and I felt like God wasn't answering my prayers.

On wednesday at the church bible study, the godmother of our children came in but said to see us and explain that she couldn't stay due to being in a lot of pain after some serious dental work, so the three of us who were there at the time laid hands on her and I prayed for her relief from pain.

Then throughout the week My wife Claire was suffering from pain in the lower back and stomach, as well as a sore throat which had been there for over a week which culminated in such pain eating that lunch on sunday took about 25 minutes longer than everyone else to eat. Of course I prayed for Claire, and nothing seemed to be happening and I was getting worried that God didn't seem to be answering my prayers.

Then on sunday evening, Janet (children's godmother) was discussing what happened on Wednesday with the pastor, and said that after being prayed for by the time she got home the pain had completely subsided. I was vastly encouraged by this, but after thanking God a sudden doubt crept in which said "Yeah ok, but what about Claire?" This stayed with me throughout the evening and into the night, as Claire was still in pain.

Then this morning on the way to work I just felt compelled to pray again for Claire, not a vast outpouring of words but a quick arrow prayer. I didn't think any more about it until about 2 hours after I got home, when Claire asked if I'd noticed anything and pointed out that she'd eaten dinner without any pain and that the sore throat was gone, less than 24 hours after barely being able to finish food because of the pain. When I started typing this message, I woke Claire who is now again sleeping peacefully on the sofa next to me, and asked about her back and stomach. Claire had forgotten all about the pain which had her doubled up last week. God is faithful and good.

Praise to Lord Jesus and God bless you all. I hope this message has been an encouragement to someone.

Simon Ashmead 09/13/2010 18:39

Danny 09/14/2010 04:16
Praise Jesus! That is is awesome. God Bless.
Jake Van Horn 09/14/2010 09:58
Great to hear Simon
Tiffany 09/25/2010 00:10
Thank you Simon for sharing this. Yes it shows that God is always working on what we ask for and that He will always take care of his children. I am so happy to hear all is well and praising Him.