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Discussions on Prayer
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest for workers/Contibuters
I'm concerned about the WindFarm Plant's Fiances as reported on the web-site.... I can not understand how a community which touts over 39,000,000 downlaods, has not far esceed the required fianance for this first proto-type Cafe'.....
Ok so what if only 1% of the downlaods are actually unique and partaking of this wonderfule service.... So 390,000 or so active participants, without any matching grants this would mean that roughly 50 cents per participat would have more than funded this effort.... I just do not understand the reluctance, as I think we only really saw an initial influxof $45,000 and then received some sort of matching grant for that bringin us up to like $80,000 or so... I'm gravely concerned for Brian in that I heard him say this is the biggest risk he has ever undertaken.... I really do not understand if we are a family why this should be a risk on Brian..... So I am asking you to please give non-generously with a simple donation of $1.00 Please, of course if you do not feel the vision is from God then I invite you to listen to the 4 part series on its inspiration, on the website..... if you still don't have peace then don't give anything.... However I'm embarrased to see the lack of turnout on this as I know what I gave and it would not have r=taken that many more people like me to have exceeded this goal....

Love in Christ, Rick in Rhode Island
RAHope4All 09/14/2010 08:17

Jake Van Horn 09/14/2010 10:09
Praying for this Rick
Joe 09/14/2010 22:13
Thanks for the challenge....I will pray for that too and it makes me consider my own stance.