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We just saw the first miner in Chile rescued.
Our prayers are now for the safe return of the other 32.
Praise God!
Lanny Carlson 10/12/2010 22:17

Lanny Carlson 10/13/2010 11:12
I'm puzzled.
This rescue has been incredible,
and I really expected the Forum would be filled with praises today,
over the safety of the miners
and the deep faith expressed by the miners
and sharedby the media.
Why the silence??

Jenna in Austin 10/13/2010 17:11
Hi Lanny! I just saw this thread (I don't come to the forums all that much). I was watching the miner rescues last night before bed and was overcome with emotion. Not only for their ordeal, but for love of God and His goodness and faithfulness. Praise God for their safe rescue!
John T 10/13/2010 17:52
I just heard that they had been rescued this afternoon at work -- somebody had the news up on the computer. Wonderful stuff!