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Need Encouragement?
Empty Nest, Empty heart
I just don't know where I have failed. I raised my children to love God and know that God loves them. Why all of a sudden does my 24 year old daughter doesn't want anything to do with "church" or her mother? I just want to publicly say, I'm sorry God I have failed you.
Dandygirl 11/29/2010 22:46

Craig from Illinois 11/29/2010 23:04
I'm just starting a family, a three year old boy and my wife is pregnant. So take that into consideration when you read what I say. For more than a few years of my married life (going on 15 years of marriage) including two years of parenthood, I abandoned the walk of faith in Christ. Even though my parents raised me "right" and I married a Christian woman, I stilled walked away. I can't tell you why I left for a season, but I knew where God was when it all came crashing down. He was just a heart cry away.

You're not done being a mother. You're not done being a prayerful Believer. Your daughter is in a season of searching out her own convictions. I'm sure it is heartbreaking to observe, but she knows (because of you) who to cry out too when she is ready.

As a new father this breaks my heart to consider my own son's future. But I do appreciate your willingness to share your agony with us here. It gives me perspective and focus on the things that are important.

love and prayers,


Estrellita 11/30/2010 18:49
I am very sorry Dandygirl. All that comes to my mind is the prodigal son of the Gospel.
Let's never cease praying.

Jake Van Horn 12/01/2010 01:18
Praying with you Dandygirl. I agree with Craig and Estrellita. My disobedience was never because my parents did or didn't so something. It was just a matter of the fact that I wanted to live my life my way, not my parents way and not God's way. For years my father without fail would give me a daily bread devotional each and every month. Most days this went untouched but this served a the only spiritual nourishment I had for years. I have a young family and the thought of this breaks my heart. It is so true that we can only see God's plan in things looking back on them from there conclusions. God does nothing in vain and all things are possible with the Lord.
Dandygirl 12/03/2010 21:36
Amen, and thank you dear friends in Christ for the encouragement.
GodB4Me 12/08/2010 21:44
Yes indeed you are heartbroke, but like Craig said, she will find her way on her own, I have broke away for my families faith and it is tearing my mom apart, but I have learned more doing it my way, she will come back to the basic values she has learned from you........ it just will take time....
God bless you and your daughter
Helga 12/09/2010 20:54
Dandygirl rather say, thank you God that I could raise my children to the best knowledge I had and have. Pray constantly for them. My children are also grown and both on their way to the kingdom ( because I believe it and speak it every day in prayer into their lives) and they need to find their own way. Let Go Let God is what we parents who are alone at home need to do. Let God fill you will His purpose for you and let Him guide you and your children. It is easier said then done, but do we have an option? No. In the bible it often says that For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
I pray for you and understand the heartache which you experience but please do not blame yourself.........You as a mother are so important in your kids life.........Keep interceding for them....

Andy Garcia 12/10/2010 23:31
Hi There,
Don't loose heart. I was also raised in the best home, by an awesome mother who prayed for me day and night and showed me what it was to really walk with God, notice I said "showed me" NOT, told me how to... I still left everything for a life of riches, music, drugs and everything else. My mother never stopped praying for me. It was really annoying to know she was praying for me, but deep inside something in me held onto those prayers. Weird to say now but God has a time for everything. One day God drew me in and an opportunity to go to church came and somehow I went and that same day I gave my life to Jesus for good. That same day I was baptized in water and this whole time I couldn't stop crying. I was home for good and I am now in love with Jesus. my heart found the treasure I looked for for sooo long in the wrong places and things and I didn't care about anything anymore, not my life, my money, drugs, etc. So, dont loose heart. I was on my way to hell, tried to commit suicide twice and nothing could stop God's plan for me. Again, don't ever loose heart because while you pray for your daughter, God will refine you as well.

with Jesus' love
Andy :)
Mimi 12/21/2010 21:49

Oh my Dandygirl!

Consider this, I made the wrong choice for a husband. I married Him because my parents really like him and I was a champion people pleaser! He was a Dentist but he had a drinking problem and an anger problem. I raised 4 of my own children and 3 from a couple who lost their live in a sailing tragedy.

The Mom of these children was a weekend skiing buddy and a good friend but I had never even met the 3 children until the funeral of their parents.

We took the children and I can only say that my intentions were good and I did the very best I could. I did not know the Lord Jesus at that time and God chose me while I was going through the very difficult divorse that came about when the children were out of the nest.

After the divorce I proceeded to recover through Christian Recovery. I worked at this for about 5 years and then moved to a place where there was no resource for this problem.

My children did go through a great deal and now they are very distant and blame me for all the problems they have had along the way. I was victimized in 07 and had to come and live with my oldest daughter who took me in out of guilt. I feel an intruder. My daughter has claimed Christ as her savior but seems to have no love for me. I am learning how to be humble for sure. I do believe Jesus has a plan for my life and it is a good plan. I am holding on and I am dancing in the raid hopping and praying that soon the flowers will begin to come up.
Dandygirl 12/22/2010 20:57
Thank you all for your love and support. I will be praying for you as well. I do believe that God will be with me every step of this new stage of life. God Be with you all.
Sharilynbuckmaster 12/25/2010 22:24
My prayers are with you Dandygirl.
This is a different perspective:
We as parents are instructed, (Eph 6:4) to "bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Of course we all as parents want to do the very best we can at instructing our children. I suggest that if there is anything that you need to apologize for and seek their forgiveness, do it. No one is perfect. It is easy to look back and say, "I should have done..." We are human and all of us are capable of making mistakes. If there is something that we have done that has caused our child to be offended, we need to repent, and confess our faults before the Lord. He is faithful to forgive us.
1 Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
He is our defender: Ps 68:5. Call upon the Lord to be your defender. He promises to defend us.
Let Him do the work.
Ps 127:1 1Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.

If there is something that you have done to offend your daughter, go to her apologize, and ask her to forgive you. I would do this two or three times so that you are sure that she hears you, and she knows that you are very sincere. Tell her you love her.

Look for opportunities to show her that you love her. What is her love language? Be sure to say, "I love you," in her love language.

When she says mean things, refuse to be offended, but cast your cares on the Lord. This is done quietly, just like fasting. Don't make a show of it. Ps 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Pray for the Lord to give you discernment as to how to pray, and to reveal the truth.

If you see evidence that your child is believing lies, use your authority that you have in Christ. Speak out loud: bind the lies in the name of Jesus. Rebuke the devil, and forbid the enemy to lie to her. You have to do this consistently. Ask Jesus to show her the truth and set her free. Stand in faith for her. Pray for God to bring forth healing, deliverance, and to lead her into the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the one who has to do the work in our children.

My family has been through a lot. I find that we all need a lot more Jesus. We need Him to prepare our hearts for His plan for our lives.

We serve an All Mighty God. We can stand on His Word. It is absolutely true. His Word will not come back unto Him void. Amen!

