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Need Encouragement?
stretched thin
Hello, Lindsay from CA here. Looking at this list, my request seems small, insignificant. However, as the title says, I'm being stretched thin by watching my nephew 5 days a week while his parents work. Up until november, I was fine, but with longer hours as the holidays approached and no way to get any time to myself,much less shop for gifts, warning signs of overload started to resurface.
It's a battle just thinking if I should clue anyone in on this or let God take care of it--He is bigger than anything else in this world, after all.
Help! It's starting to take over my mind.
Lindsay Lydell 12/23/2010 03:00

Jake Van Horn 12/23/2010 04:00
Hi Lindsay. It sounds like you have a pretty full plate. Coming from a person who likes to burn the candle at both ends, I would Clue someone in on this. Overload is never good. I'll be praying with you about this.
Lindsay Lydell 12/23/2010 04:09
Thank you, Jake. It means so much you wouldn't believe it.

It gets harder and harder to enjoy this limited time of childhood--he is only 3, almost 4.
Sharilynbuckmaster 12/23/2010 09:47
Praying for you Lindsay. God's grace is always sufficient, trust in Him.

Kelley 12/23/2010 11:06
Lindsay, being able to gracefully say what you need is part of being loving in relationships. Other people can't read our minds, and most people would much prefer to know if something is a problem for someone they love. I don't think expecting God to intervene instead of simply speaking up is likely to be a good long term life skill. We all have to learn to set limits or life will pull us apart as we try to meet everyone's expectations. Pray about what are God's priorities for you right now, and stick to those, being as gracious as possible while still being able to own our own "Thanks for thinking of me, but no, I cannot do this." I am praying for you, you sound like someone who longs to be helpful and not disappoint others!
Lindsay Lydell 12/23/2010 16:28
Sarah, thank you!

Yes, Kelley, your diagnosis was spot on. I know this requires talking to them when not busy or at work, but it terrifies me. Ugh.

It's tough stuck between a rock and a hard place. Still, as long as I keep centered on God and in the word, it takes the edge off. thank you for posting.
feistykat 12/23/2010 22:53
Hi Lindsay,

Sounds like a difficult place to be, but I think one of the most important parts of your post is that you're starting to see the warning signs of overload. So, I'm guessing you know what comes later if you don't let anyone know how you're feeling and asking for help.

One thing that really strikes me about your post is the question about whether you should clue someone in or just let God take care of it. One thing I've had to learn (the hard way, several times, still learning) is that those aren't two separate things necessarily. Yes, there are times where giving our worries and stresses to God is all we need - but God also uses others to work in our lives and minister to us.

So, absolutely, I say give it to God. Pray about it, listen for His leading, let Him take away your anxiety about conversations that might take place and trust the Holy Spirits leading to know when the time is right.

I think it's great to stay centered on God and in the word. The fact that you haven't given that up to try to keep up is a great sign and will make it so much easier for you to hear His answers and let Him (and others) hold you up while you go through this stressful time.

Take care and I hope things settle down for you soon,
Lindsay Lydell 12/24/2010 03:05
Kat: wow, such a thoughtful answer. Yes, there have been times, prior to rigourous bible reading and study, that such stress could cause the threads of my life to fall apart. This time has been far easier, though still trying and stressful. How anyone pulls through the crap of life without God is a wonder.

thank you for the advice. I have and will be taking it to heart.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
Calico 12/25/2010 08:56
Hugs, Linds!

I will try to be in the chatroom more throughout the Christmas holidays; something I have been absent of as of late. I am trying to stay in contact with Brian about seeing what fine-tuning we can do in that regard, for the addition of the enabling of the private chats that seem to currently be non-functional.

But let me say that it's good to hear from you again. For me, this next new year will be about trying to steer more clear of the theology stuff, and more about building the DAB relationships that are here. I encourage you to jump in too, in whatever ways of communication you can even if those forms of communication exist outside of DAB (email, IMing, etc,). I believe Kelley and Kat are right about a setting of proper boundaries and of having the alone time you need to have. Even Jesus did this, taking time to step away to rejuvenate and re-energize. There's nothing wrong with stating these things, and they can even help the future of the relationships you have with your nephew and his Mom and Dad.

I hope you endure during this time, and that you are able to have a place of sanctuary to withdraw to for your own recuperation. :-)

Praying with you, Linds!

Lindsay Lydell 12/26/2010 01:35
TOM!! So good to see you around!
Yesterday and today have been a great boost,not because of the anticipation of gifts, but a respite. This will enable me to sit down and write out what needs to be said (which is always the hardest part).

I want to say a huge thank you all who was a gentle pick me up. God bless you.
feistykat 12/28/2010 04:32
I'm glad you were able to get a bit of a break Lindsay - you sound less burnt out than you did earlier (from what I can tell anyways... a little hard to gauge these things by forum posts).

Yes, writing out what needs to me said can be difficult, but a good approach to help you clarify what's most important for you to get out, and work out the best ways to say it.

I'm still thinking of you and hoping this next little bit will continue to be easier on you than where things were before.

Take care,