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Need Encouragement?
Matthew 5
The last few days I have been thinking about this passage and how it says we are to leave our gift at the altar and go to our brothers/sisters and be reconciled before offering our gift. I understand the reasons for this and love the way Brian explained it. What I am struggling with is where the line is between us reconciling it and them accepting it. Example- about a year ago I had a huge fight with one of my best friends.I have gone to her and apologized, asked for forgiveness and tried to reconcile the relationship. She has replied to me that she forgave me but did not want to be friends. I struggle with being sure I have done my part to reconcile. I don't think it's beneficial that I keep asking for the friendship but I wonder if I have done as Matthew says...

Would love to hear some thoughts on this. Do I keep asking? Have I obeyed God's command? I very strongly felt Him guide me to seek her forgiveness several months ago, which I did. That is when I received the reply that she didn't want to be friends. I feel like I have obeyed; is it just the lies of the enemy trying to convince me I haven't??

thanks friends! Blessings to you all!
RaceGirl 01/07/2011 22:24

Craig from Illinois 01/08/2011 08:17
Personally, I think you have done as much as you can face to face, but perhaps not as much as you could do prayerfully. You may accidentally omitted the prayerful part, but maybe not. It may also not be time yet for you two to be friends. Perhaps some maturity still needs to develop. Or finally, it may be over. Relationships do get terminated now and then. But what is good for both of your souls is found in what you did already, asking for forgiveness.

I've had experiences like this too. I spare you all the details but it's similar to yours. I have found that in order for a broken relationship to be restored, it takes humility and action from both people. I find humility for myself in Jesus. It's a posture, a servants heart.

Blessings to you too,

RaceGirl 01/08/2011 14:12
I did omit the prayer part...I have been praying for her and for God to change me as He needs to. I must be growing...because my prayers have gone from "please restore our friendship" to asking God to bless her, guide her and work in Her life as He needs to with no regard to me. I still let Him know that I want the relationship restored but I trust His time and plan.

Thank you Craig...that helps to know that I am not the only one who's been there and that I am not crazy for thinking there isn't much else I can do but pray at this point.