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Need Encouragement?
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Teressa 01/11/2011 12:08
Praying for you. No relationship is easy when done right, and long distance ones take even more time, work and prayer. You never really truly know a person until you are married and living in the same house with that person after the "honeymoon" period is over. That's when the reality of life sets in. That's when the things you loved and admired most about that person before marriage can turn into the things that irritate you the most if your expectations are not realistic. My advice in relationships is always to pray hard and long, keep it pure, take your time, make sure your expectations are realistic and that you are not looking for someone to fill the longing of your heart that only God can. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Allow God to fill the lonliness of your heart as you wait on him for the companionship in life you seek. (((Hugs)))
Ana Jacob 01/11/2011 14:48
Thank you. Very beautifully, and honestly, written. I thought we did all those things, to the best of our ability, but even so things still happen. Part of the struggle for me now is that it's so out of my hands. I did everything I could for our relationship, and by that I mean, the right things. I prayed, we both did, we fought temptation, we had clear, honest and regular communication, we studied God's word together and left everything in his hands. All was well, and now I just feel so lost sometimes.
My faith, at least, hasn't wavered. I fully trust God, maybe more now, but it still hurts and not knowing what the future holds and what I should do with it does scare me.
Anyway, thank you, all of you, for everything.
truckin4jesus 01/12/2011 01:02
Ana.. I don't kmow you from Adam....LOL
Guys are are beautiful....
hang tough due time due time!!!!!
Ana Jacob 01/12/2011 07:50
I don't know you from Eve, but I do know that post made me smile. Guys are freaks? Wasn't expecting that one, but thanks for the smile. You made my morning with that one.
wade laws 01/13/2011 17:24
Jesus always takes care of us and will always help us during times of uncertainty. I know Jesus will be with you during this time and I will pray for you as well.
Sharlene Pienaar 01/14/2011 03:26
Hey, how are you coping. Wade hit it on the nail, Jesus always takes care of us... and He knows better. A lot of times we don't see what God is doing in the background but He usually has something better than what we expect. So comfort yourself in that whatever you are thinking or desire, God has a better plan for you, for him and your lives for this year. You do want the best for your ex right? I am presuming that is a yes!
Sharilynbuckmaster 01/14/2011 09:54
Lord Jesus, I pray that you would heal Ana's broken heart. Give her peace, and comfort. I pray that You would prepare her heart for the plan that You have for her life. I pray that You would direct her every step in life, that You would lead her, and teach her to follow after You. Bless her as she moves forward in her life. Thank You that You are always with her, You never forsake her. You are her comfort, You are her peace. Strengthen her in Christ, as she puts You first in her life and follows after You. Lord, we thank You for the great and mighty things that You are going to do in Ana's life, and for the things You have already done.
Lord, I also lift up Ana's boyfriend to You. I ask for You to lead him. You have a plan for his life. I pray that You would prepare him for the plan You have for his life. I ask for healing in his heart and that You would give him direction.
Bless you Ana, I will continue to pray for you.
Teressa 01/14/2011 19:50
Continuing to pray for you Ana (((Hugs)))
Ana Jacob 01/15/2011 10:12
Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much. I really can't say that enough. I love you all.
And yes, Sharlene, I most definitely want the best for him! :)
Whatever that means. I know God has a plan for his life, as he does for me. My most important prayer is that we both follow God's plan for us. God's done so many miracles in our relationship already, I thought maybe it was his plan for us to continue together. But even if we each move on with our own lives separately, if that's God's plan, I just pray I can accept it and move on to whatever his plan is for me.
Hugs to all of you. And God bless.
I'll keep you posted if anything changes
Ana Jacob 01/22/2011 18:50
Hi family,
Just wanted to give you all a quick update.
The worst, rock bottom feelings of pain, I think, are over. It still hurts, and will for a while, but amidst the pain there is hope. My ex and I are good friends again, at least. We've talked about maybe trying again in the future, but we both know we each need time to sort out our own troubles, and even so we have a long road ahead if we should get back together some day. I want so deeply for things to work out between us, I did think this was meant to be. But my heart needs time to heal before I do anything, and above all, I want to make 100 percent sure of what God wants me to do before I do anything. With everything we've been through, and all the battles we'll still have to fight, only by God's grace would we even have a chance at a long term, hopefully lasting, relationship again.
I'm afraid to hope, but I hope anyway. Whatever happens, God is in control, and that is all that matters.
Again, thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.
If you would, please pray now that we make the right choices as time goes on. I only want what God wants, and what he has planned for both of us. Please pray that he'll make his way clear to both of us, that his will may be done.
Christian love to all of you
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