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Need Encouragement?
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Kelley 01/19/2011 20:59
Wise words, David! praying for you, Stefy!
RAHope4All 01/20/2011 08:50
Great council David , Stefy , I'll be praying that you are patient, and that you set the bar really high for who is acceptable, not to fall for any of the counterfeit guys that will present themselves before you, before the true Godly Man you are supposed to be with comes along....You see God has a plan for you, he has numbered the hairs on your head, your His child His beloved Daughter.... When God brings forth your mate you three together Stefy + Husband + Jesus Christ... will be a three chord strand not easily broken, you will accompish great things in and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God if you don't get side tracked by the long line of wrong by a lot guys undoubtedly pursuing you.... Hope that wasn't too in your face, I really just wanted to say Fall in Love with Jesus completly whole heartedly, lay your own expectations, the expectation of the American dream, any other preconceived notions of what life is about for Stefy at Jesus feet.... He will direct your path, protect you , guide you comfort you, teach you His ways, Love you far beyond any human Love (which is pathetic in comparison to the Fathers Love)... He will mold you and shape and cultivate your marriage , and you will look back in twenty five years and say... Thank you Lord for the purpose you've brought, thank you for the Godly Man you teamed me up with, thank you for your many blessings, and most of all thank you Lord that through your power our lives have touched many others lives and they are coming with us on this kingdom journey.... Amen!
Ana Jacob 01/22/2011 18:37
I'll add to what David said, and everything else that's been said. Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you. Yes, seek God, for only he can provide you with everything you need. He knows your deepest desires, those things you long for so badly it literally hurts. He sees all that, and the Bible says if earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more so for our heavenly father? Hang in there. God has a plan for you, and I can promise you, because he has promised, he will not let you down. It may not be what you're expecting, but you won't be disappointed in God.
I've been there, where you are, longing for something, or someone, with everything you have. In some ways I still am. Just don't lose hope, and remember, Christ is our true bridegroom, the first, last, and only, true, lover of our souls.
Kelley 01/30/2011 17:42
I know it is hard to believe, but I have been married, and am now single... my husband and I did not fight, he wasn't abusive, we were and still are great friends. There is an idea in the mind of people who haven't been married, and I remember having it myself, that real life doesn't really start until you marry. That married life is better. Being loved romantically is the love that "really" counts. I can absolutely say that none of this is true. Being married was not better then being single. In many ways it was harder. I was not the spouse that left, and I used to think that if anything happened to my marriage I didn't know if I would survive it. But that DID happen, and I not only survived it but actually like life BETTER. I have many people in life who love me. I have the freedom to be absolutely devoted to the Lord. I do feel homesick often, and have times of being blue, but I have to honestly ask myself if I didn't have times like that while married too? and I did. I am in a relationship now with someone I love, but I no longer think that I "need" romantic love to make it, or to be worthy, or to count. I just keep coming back to your thread and wishing you could be free. It is fine to wish for marriage, but I can pretty much promise you that you will not be any happier then you are right now. If you can find a happy life single, you will be happy married too. And if you are unhappy being single, then being married won't help. In fact, some things will be much harder. Trust God with your heart. There is a poem and part of it says "Instead of waiting for someone to bring me flowers, I learned to plant a garden".... find your joy. And keep it, married or single. You will never have a relationship, ever, that doesn't end in death or goodbye, at least as far as our earthly life goes, except for Christ. That is not to be gloomy, it is just the truth. So learn where happiness comes from and celebrate life in ALL your relationships.
Jake Van Horn 01/31/2011 02:54
Hi Stef. I love being Married and I love my wife and family. They are truly a gift from God. But they are not my god (with a little "g"). I think that the mistake that people make sometimes is that they try to fill the hole in their heart with their spouse. The problem is that this hole, is a God sized hole that only God can fill(God with a big "G").

I think Kelly is right. If your not happy single you probably wont be happy married. Sure, for a while things will be great. But trust me, it wont take very long for you to figure out that your spouse is a fare cry from God and is totally incompetent when it comes to filling that hole in your heart.

In the first year of my marriage my wife and I went from wedding bells to verge of divorce. This was not because of any unforgivable transgression on the part of either one of us. It was just because we were both looking for the other to take the place of God in our lives. You know when I stopped working on my marriage and turned back to Christ, in time our marriage was healed.

But you can avoid this kind of pain by entering into marriage with your eyes open and fully committed to the Lord our God. Ask God to reveal His will in this for you. Like Davidwayne said "seek first the kingdom". And also rest easy in the Lord. He knows the beginning from the end and if its Gods will for you to be married He will provide a spouse for you. He knows who this person is, where this person is and the day you will meet.

In 1 Corinthians Ch 7 Paul speaks about many situations involving marriage.

Philippians 4: 12-13

I know what is is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Nana99 01/31/2011 05:28
Wow, everyone, such wise counsel, such love for others!

This thread just made my day:-)

The Holy Spirit is urging me to say “Well done!”
Hope lots of people read this and have their eyes opened.


Ray 01/31/2011 07:01
"when its time to go to sleep I think about it again" That's not you. This is true for all of us, make no mistake. Nobody gets a pass here. You are in a war and the enemy wants you dead or distracted so you can't do what you are supposed to be doing. Sorry. It's just a fact. Look at it. Does the thought lift you up? No. Then who benefits from you going down that rabbit hole? The enemy will take every opportunity to trip you up, to get you to be impatient, maybe settle and marginalize you're role in the war. Paul wrote it best:

2 Cor 10
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

and from Chambers:

'Do we expect God to come to us with His blessings and save us? He says - Look unto Me, and be saved. The great difficulty spiritually is to concentrate on God, and it is His blessings that make it difficult. Troubles nearly always make us look to God; His blessings are apt to make us look elsewhere. The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is, in effect - Narrow all your interests until the attitude of mind and heart and body is concentration on Jesus Christ. "Look unto Me."'

Fight on, all! Fight on.

Stefy 01/31/2011 19:59
Thank You for the Words of Wisdom!
Jenna in Austin 02/01/2011 18:49
Rick, what you wrote was beautiful. And Kelley, I love that you speak from your heart. As Nana said, there is so much love here!

Stefy, praying with you. I totally understand where you're coming from. See, I am a single mom, never been married, woman of 33 (almost 34) years. I've spent so much time waiting and waiting for God to bring me my husband, all the while not seeking Him! Now, most of the time I am so content with my main man --> my Lord. I know that He will bring someone to me in His time and I am content to just be with Him. God has absolute perfect timing, this I know. As Brian has mentioned, the word for 2011 is "retreat" so that is what I would say to do. Retreat into the Lord, and seek Him.

Love, Jenna
Sharilynbuckmaster 02/01/2011 20:46

Seek and pursue peace. Let your mind be stayed on the Lord. We are to have control over our thoughts, and not fret.The enemy does come to steal and to destroy. But, Christ has come to set us free.
Ps 31:4
4 Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me,
for I find protection in you alone.

Learn to find protection in Him alone.
Ps 4:8
8 In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD,
make me dwell in safety.

We are to be content with what we have, and keep our eyes on Him. Being single has its rewards. You will have more time to spend with the Lord, reading your Bible, and praying. Use this year to go deep with Jesus. Let your relationship with the Lord grow in intimacy. Pray for God to prepare your heart for the plan that He has for your life. His plan is for good. Trust Him to lead you.
Jer. 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

I am praying for you Debra.
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