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Struggling with faith
I am struggling with faith as a number of things have happened over the past few months. My wife and I moved our family over the summer believing that this was God's will as the opportunity provided us a chance to move closer to family and support. Now, 7 months later, we are struggling with the debt of having 2 mortgages, lost a child through miscarriage in October and I was just passed over for a promotion within the organization despite all the positive feedback from my superiors for the work I have done. My current role is one in which I have been asked to combine two staffs together into one in a new facility. We were suppose to move into our new facility in November but construction delays have kept us out and we won't be able to move for a bit more time. This has created all sorts of tension in the two facilities and people are becoming more "tense" as we wait for a moving date and live in "limbo". My role is to also bring some of the employees in the organization up-to-speed with the organizations current mode of operation. This has meant that I am doing observations and have required supervisors to work with a number of people as they are not doing what the organization requires and have not been doing so for a while. Previous leadership did not hold many of accountable and did not work with the staff in adopting the organizations moves. Needless to say, it is stressful. As I said, this move was to bring us closer to family and my wife has opportunity to see and visit with her sisters and parents but, because of my work schedule and the need to spend time with my children and be involved in their lives, there is little time for me to spend with my family. All this is being compounded by several newly developed health issues that are affecting sleep and ability to do things that I have relied on for fitness and stress relief. The promotion, for which I interviewed on Friday, was an opportunity to use my skills in a new way instead of "fixing", I would be "building". Unfortunately, my wife wasn't completely supportive as it had a few intangibles that she felt were not good for her or our family. Although she did support my doing the interview, she wasn't completely supportive of me taking the job if offered. So, when I didn't get the job offer, it has resulted in even more tensions.
I am angry and upset. I am not finding the "burden to be easy or the yoke to be light" but instead, feel abandoned and alone. I do not possess the fortitude or patience of Job, lack the wisdom of Solomon and do not have the faith of John. As I struggle with these burdens, my faith is wearing. I feel alone, crying like David for God but to no avail. Please pray for me.
Kelly Christopherson 01/23/2011 15:46

Tom B 01/23/2011 18:56
Kelly, I am praying for you.
Helga 01/23/2011 21:34
Lord I pray for Kelly that you give him Patience like Job, Wisdom of Solomon and faith like John. Only you Lord know his heart and I pray that you comfort him, counsel him and guide him right now. Restore him in you Lord Jesus and thank you that you will help him to change his attitude towards life to a positive attitude and that Kelly will see your hand in all of this. Thank you Jesus for grace and mercy right now.
cal-texan 01/23/2011 22:34
Kelly, Today, God answered two prayers in my life. One was for a friend healing after having dental surgery. The other was for another friend who was in finacial turmoil. The first friend is at home healing quite comfortably. The other friend has seen his finacial turmoil dwindle into a little spark that is slowly but surely going out. The only thing I asked them to do was to believe. Pure and simple. Faith requires believeing. Even when things look dim, or the clouds look black, or maybe the things we ask for haven't been answered. Rest assure God is at work in delivering you from whatever troubles, grief, worries, or roadbloacks are in the midst of your path. Let God be in charge of your life completely. Know that he is more than capable of handeling anything "your" life may throw at you. Know you are a child of the Most High, and like a good Father, He only wants whats best for you. Even if you feel he is not there, look around...He's waiting for you with open arms wanting and yearning for you to give him everything, so that you can concentrate on Him. I lift you up in your time of need, and I ask God to do his will according to your circumstance. May his answer to you strenghten your belief and may your heart open up and succumb to his Promises and Faithfulness. God loves you Kelly and so do I. You are not alone, Thanks for coming in and letting us lift you up with love and encouragement. God Bless you and your Family.
Dylan 01/25/2011 23:31
Hey Kelly, im sorry you are having a tough time right now and I will be praying for you and your family. I just wanted to tell you something that my pastor said a long time ago that I will always remember. No matter what happens in life, no matter what decisions or consequences are made, if you try to imagine the worst possible outcomes there is still hope. Because when you think "this could happen" or "what if that doesnt work out", at the end of the road even in the worst possible situation God still loves you. Keep faith, you aren't finished yet.
Jake Van Horn 01/26/2011 00:45
Kelly, I'm praying for you.

That's a whole bunch all at once my friend. In my life I have never been able to see Gods plan while in the middle to trials and tribulations. It has only been after the fact that things have been made clear.

All I know is that God is God and I am not. Some times if I just sit back, close my eyes and think about this, I realize that I don't have to like it, I just have to know that God has the situation completely under control.

Psalm 46:10 He says "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations.
Abby 01/26/2011 02:48
Kelly, are you and your wife praying together? Do you pray with your children? Are you praying for your bosses? This won't make the problems go away but I have found that prayer with those around me helps me realize I am not alone.
"Even though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me..." Ps 23 Lord, give Kelly the wisdom to see beyond his feelings and rest on your promises. God is with you whether you feel it or not. My feelings have a tendency of taking over and clouding my perspective. When I am able to dismiss the lies from Satan, I am able to see Gods hand in my life.
Tammy 01/28/2011 11:20
Father, show Kelly a breakthrough. Show him something that gives him hope right where he is.Strengthen and guide him. Help him concentrate on his family, and the career and money will be taken care of. Send him strong friends to support him.
Kelley 01/28/2011 13:12
It sounds like a tough, weary, discouraging time for you. I am praying along with so many good prayers already offered, and also that you would take time for noticing beauty and choosing praise as a way to balance the negative things going on for you right now. Hard times pass just like all times do, put in the days between here and freedom. You'll make it.
Lisa Dieffenbach 01/28/2011 15:29

I find comfort in knowing that when God closes one door, another one is in the path ahead for me to go through. Lord, I pray that you would give Kelly the patience to wait on you and believe that you are "on his side". Speak to his heart and whisper your hope and peace to his spirit. Amen.