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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
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Teressa 02/11/2011 08:17
Hi Ken! Of course, I agree with everyone else, that reaching out to others is a very good thing and something we should all be doing. But, to take a different approach and put something else out there for you to consder, I feel led to offer this:

When I read your post two distinct thoughts ran through my mind intermingling. I can only speak for myself, of course, but perhaps in so doing it might touch on what you are experiencing.

My first thoughts were: Wow! What Ken is doing is great. I need to try to find the time to do that too. Because, not only are you reading your Bible and getting to know God better and developing intimacy with Him through it, you are driving His Word deep into your heart by writing it down. That appeals to me because I learn quickest by writing things down.

My next thought was one of a more fleshly appeal, which doesn't have to be a bad thing but one that Satan would love to use to make the old prideful flesh rise up and overthrow the initial reason for doing such a thing. That thought was this: Wow! Ken is 1/3 of the way to having his own hand written copy of the Bible.

Do you see how the focus changed from seeking to know God and his ways to satisfy spiritual desires, to one of seeking to accomplish something in the flesh to satisfy fleshly desires?

I'm not saying that is where you are at all, but that was the illustration I got of the way the enemy tries to creep in on us and steal from us what God is using in our lives to bring us closer to Him.

My encouragement to you would be to continue what you are doing, whether you feel like it or not, and keep the focus of it on seeking to know God and His ways better and developing a more initimate relationship with Him through it. And, then when all is said and done, you will have as a reward here in this life one hand written copy of the Bible to look back on and see the Lord's hand at work in your life through... or maybe you will have many, many hand written copies of the Bible to pass down to and bless your children or grandchildren with...or maybe even your students too :)

I love what you are doing and I will be praying that your focus will remain on seeking the Lord and that the enemy doesn't steal what God desires to do in and through you by having you do this. I'm excited for you!
Ray 02/11/2011 09:38
The leader of a study recently asked us to imagine approaching the throne. I couldn't do it and found the exercise pretty silly. After reading this, 2/11, I got a view of what he was getting at:

"Is your imagination stayed on God or is it starved? The starvation of the imagination is one of the most fruitful sources of exhaustion and sapping in a worker's life. If you have never used your imagination to put yourself before God, begin to do it now. It is no use waiting for God to come; you must put your imagination away from the face of idols and look unto Him and be saved. Imagination is the greatest gift God has given us and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him. If you have been bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, it will be one of the greatest assets to faith when the time of trial comes, because your faith and the Spirit of God will work together. Learn to associate ideas worthy of God with all that happens in Nature - the sunrises and the sunsets, the sun and the stars, the changing seasons, and your imagination will never be at the mercy of your impulses, but will always be at the service of God."
Craig from Illinois 02/13/2011 14:50

Back in early January you wrote about a new thing that has been affecting your life. You titled the post "Weeping", describing how you find yourself spontaneously weeping over an event or a person.

In relation to that post and then this one, I am concerned that you may be entering into a depressed state. I know you're a teacher, an often thankless job with much stress. I'm not sure where you live, but it may be inside most of the day during these winter months.

I would strongly urge you to look into visiting a professional counselor or your MD to see if these symptoms, including a loss of your passion for reading the Bible, could be from depression.


Ken Mikkelson 02/15/2011 15:06
Craig, there's some truth in what you're saying. I did go see a counselor in January, maybe need to go back.

BTW, I live in Alaska, and the darkness does affect a lot of people...down to about 6 hours of daylight in December. I've been here my whole life, though...never had the darkness affect me like it has this year, that's for sure.....and the teaching thing...most students I've ever had at 3rd grade, and they are a challenge this year.
Craig from Illinois 02/15/2011 19:47

I'm not a health professional of any kind, but there's enough clues here to warrant a visit to one. You don't have to keep experiencing these feelings of lethargy. Praying...

TRWord 02/21/2011 08:18
Hi Ken

I would like you to consider the possibility that the wall you are hitting is the confines of religion. Some persons are quite satisfy with religion while there are others who need the total spiritual experience. You words; “I don't want to settle for lukewarm, it doesn't work anymore.” says that you are the latter. I believe that I understand what you are saying having experienced a similar malaise, on the one hand I wanted to be more devoted to my spiritual development while on the other I couldn’t muster the effort. In my case I found that the “how to” of religion wasn’t working for me. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you have to leave your church or run off somewhere to an ashram but it may be time that you begin to seek your own personal journey.
Currently I have been following an unfoldment here:

See if this is of any help to you.
Helga 02/21/2011 20:33
Ken I think we all hit a wall at some stage of our lives. You as a teacher give a lot of wisdom each day to your children you teach and this can just exhaust your inner being. You start wondering what purpose you have on earth. Winter time and darkness helps to feel even worse. I know from experience that sometimes the best medicine is to purposeful speak life and scripture into your own life and those around you even though you do not feel like it. It is almost like exercising, you do not feel like it but there is a good end result. You are priceless in God's eyes but remember the devil is very patient and he will work in your thought life and he wants you to feel like a failure but God has so many plans for you. That's why the bible is so clear in saying that we have to take every thought captive and make it obedient to the word of God.
I am reading at the moment : "The Gift in you" from Dr Caroline Leaf, a book which will help you to understand yourself and those around you. I will pray for you and thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Craig from Illinois 02/25/2011 08:39
How are things Ken? Any changes, insights or progress? I think of you every time I open up these forums.
Bibleman 02/25/2011 10:19
hmm...every time I hit a wall spiritually I keep at it.
I don't always feel like reading the bible daily, but I always read 5 chapters a day (and right now, a chapter from the apocrypha - finishing up the books with 4 Maccabees right now.)
and I always read the DAB daily unless something crazy comes up, then I just double up on reading the next day.
honestly, part of the impulse to stay connected comes from being aware of my ministries - home, school, work - wherever I can shine. That, and I'm the president for the Essex Christian Fellowship at CCBC Essex in Maryland, so I'd like to be an example.
when you spiritually can't hit it, religiously hit it, if that makes any sense. I religiously read 5 chapters a day so I don't fade spiritually. I know how rebellious my will can be if it's not challenged consistently...

Ken Mikkelson 03/01/2011 10:10
Thanks for all of your responses. Craig, thank you. Yes, progress. I'm not quite sure how....God showed me
that I was off the path, put me back on mood/spirit is much improved. It helps to have a vision of
who I am and what I'm supposed to be doing through God's eyes rather than my eyes or the world's eyes.
Could probably write many paragraphs about this, but the day is calling and students will be at my door
soon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He has a plan for my life and will supply all
my needs in order to accomplish and live out this plan.
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