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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
Food and Evolution
I was thinking about how God gave us food to eat in the Bible and trying to figure out how it might reconcile with Evolution. For those of you who tend to believe that God created through evolution, how do you reconcile the food? Did all evolved creatures eat plants until Noah? Did prehistoric man eat plants or meat?

Here's where my question comes from:

In the beginning, God says this:
Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
Gen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

After Noah, God says this:
Genesis 9:3 ESV Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

Here he's giving them permission to eat what they weren't previously allowed to eat before. So, if there were men before Adam, what did they eat?

Also, did this diet have anything to do with the long lives? Or was it something else? Did prehistoric men live for near 1000 years or shorter lives? If they lived shorter, then why did Adam and his sons suddenly live for so many generations?

John T 02/26/2011 15:59

mzandt 03/03/2011 19:50
Go to to expand your knowledge on intelligent design vs Darwinism
John T 03/04/2011 06:37
Had a look around there... do you have a link to a page to suggest?
Bibleman 03/04/2011 13:19
All men would have been herbivores, going by the Genesis account. Therefore, we were made to be vegetarians, but were offered meat as a concession perhaps.
Either way, I still eat meat, all health concerns aside, but I think scripture has given me a newfound appreciation for non - meat products. Funny, huh?
Bibleman 03/04/2011 13:20
and no, I do not think there were other humans before Adam. However, that is my theology. Genesis is scratchy and vague in its account, and for good reason, I think.
John T 03/05/2011 17:40
I still eat meat too, and love it, although I wonder sometimes about how the world must have been in the garden.
Lanny Carlson 03/05/2011 18:09
"God's original plan was to hang out in a garden with some naked vegetarians."

see the picture at

John T 03/05/2011 19:29
I think it would have been more about knowing God more fully, walking with him in the cool of the day, no disease, lions lying down with the lambs. It would have been a very peaceful place. As for the naked vegetarians - they didn't even know they were naked until the fruit!

Teressa 03/07/2011 08:35
I could almost be a vegetarian, because I am such an animal lover and can't stand the thought that an animal had to die for me to have a piece of meat....except that I sometimes seem to crave a good steak and am somehow able to block out such thoughts for a piece of grilled chicken or a cheeseburger off the grill. But, when I eat it, I find that I really don't enjoy it except for the taste because it is harder to digest and makes me feel "heavy" and sluggish. I often wonder if that was the way God chose to shorten our lives, by allowing us to eat meat. I somehow think though, that man, after the fall, probably began to eat meat without God's permission, don't you?

I have an aunt that has been a vegetarian all her life and has never been sick a day in her life, not even a cold. Interesting!