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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
I burnt a random mp3 CD off my computer to listen to as I was driving, and came across this serman of John Piper's today and loved it. I've listened through the first 20 minutes now and look forward to hearing the rest tomorrow:

In the first part that I've heard he talks a lot about how we are to yearn to know Christ more, and to look forward to his coming and the wedding feast that is to come. He mentions how Anna yearned for the Christ child to come with prayer and fasting and how she stayed in the temple for years awaiting him. It's an amazing story. And fasting -- how often do we fast? I mean I certainly haven't done a lot of it. The last time I did any was almost a year ago. It's time I consider doing it again. Great message.

It is downloadable as an mp3 as well for listening on the go, see the bottom right corner of the listening section for a download button.

John T 03/01/2011 18:53

Bibleman 03/01/2011 22:18
should we even discuss fasting? I can't ever figure it out. I feel uneasy because Jesus tells us not to make it obvious we are fasting. Hmm...
Regina 03/04/2011 08:56
What a funny thing that I should stumble over a fasting topic here at DAB. I did my first fast with DAB. I was in (but did not know it) the middle of great spiritual warfare. I spent 3 days fasting, lying flat on my back with my feet propped up on the wall – eyes gazed upon the ceiling, listening to the DAB. I started in the fall so I had to go back in time and start on day 1 of the DAB, Genesis 1:1. I fasted and listened to the word of God hour after hour. I began to understand what people meant by the word of God being alive. The Holy Spirit rose up in me and pressed me to reach levels of understanding I had never reached before. He delivered me from many strongholds during the course of my fast. He revealed truths to me and I grew to love Jesus more and more. I was at a turning point and through fasting and the Word of God, I saw His path for me and began to know who I was in Christ. I did not last a full 3 days. By the end of the 2nd day I was filled with Joy and looking forward to my new life in Christ. I had listened and read through to Ezra and no, I did not skip any of the lists, numbers, rules, etc. I decided one jolly rancher candy would be ok. I popped it in my mouth and lay back down. The slippery candy slid right down the back of my throat and I never even tasted it. I thought OMG I could have choked to death! I could just see myself running around my house throwing myself against the back of chairs trying to perform the Heimlich maneuver on myself!!! All kidding aside, I don’t know about the whole fasting thing…how often and when. I believe you can fast many things, your favorite foods, shopping, even TV. I know what those few days of fasting did in my new walk with the Lord and I am forever grateful.
7Peas 03/14/2011 15:26
I think it is important that we talk about fasting. Not to boast or to draw attention to our weakened state but to encourage each other to do it and press on even when it is hard. I think it all depends on your maturity in fasting. I am not new to the concept but haven't done it often. I can give a thousand legitimate and lame excuses. Yet I would have loved to have had a friend to carry me through at least the 1st few times. Not being so concerned about "no one knowing" that here I am not doing it at all.
John T 03/14/2011 17:06
I think there are examples of both private fasting and also groups of people fasting together in the word.
Claire Stanniland 03/15/2011 19:50
I think the important thing is our underlying motivation for fasting. We need to make sure that we are using it as a tool to draw nearer to God and deepen our relationship with Him. We should not use it to earn brownie points among other believers - the 'hypocrisy' that Jesus taught against. So I agree with 7Peas that we can talk about fasting, especially if new believers want some guidance on it, so long as we are not boasting about it. Also, I believe the fast doesn't have to be food. If it would be dangerous for someone to fast food for medical reasons, they could e.g. fast an hour's sleep in order to pray.
Bibleman 03/15/2011 22:17
Okay, well, lets just say it is pretty wild. If you're not thinking about Jesus, but about your stomach, you'll earn nothing at all. But if you focus on Jesus, especially when you pass the first day, you might just lose yourself in worship. I think my soul ascended to God's direct presence for about ten seconds during one of my fasts.
oh, and you'll probably have a horrid headache the first day. The enemy does not want you fasting.
and all of a sudden, everyone will invite you over for a feast, or people will bring you food as a gift, or some other strange coincidence involving food aplenty will likely occur when you first start.
Sarajane8 03/29/2011 15:54
It has been on my heart to fast for a while.

Thanks for this
lucy 04/10/2011 01:09
I want to. Though I am a teenager, my mother does not want me to. I know to grow closer to Jesus, I would have to. Please help me. I am unable to break the wall that is between the Holy Spirit and myself. I did it once, (for less than a day) and I felt REALLY close to God. I need help again to do this, preferably for longer as well. Thank you all.
Jenna in Austin 04/10/2011 07:58
I've never fasted although it is something that I have thought about for quite a while. I think you made an excellent point, Bibleman, that if the person fasting is only focusing on their stomach, then the whole purpose of fasting is defeated.

I am curious as to the process one takes in fasting. Do you decide one day "I'm going to fast" and then not eat all day but still continue about your normal routine like work, etc? Or do you take a day devoted completely to prayer and communing with the Lord and fast on top of that? These probably seem like silly questions but I'm genuinely wondering.

I briefly read over the link posted above by John T and it looks great. Piper calls for 40 people to fast one day a week for a month. I noticed the link was from 1995 so I'm curious as to how it went. Even though it is from 16 years ago I still find it very applicable today. I guess I should listen to the audio too...

Anyway, just some of my rambling thoughts. :)
Daniela Dong 04/12/2011 22:52
I have been reading the book In the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray, and become more and more aware how important is our prayer and I realize how easily I am drawn away from the Lord. And one day I heard a sister fast every Monday for her son's study;I decided to fast every Wednesday(for noon only). It's been a month and I've had some good praying during lunch time. Once or twice I couldn't 'dive in it'. But during this month my mom phoned me and told me her cholesterol figures were back to normal(she took some pills of course).But still, I had been asking God for a sign to answer my prayers(coz i was weak and might not fasting for a long period of time). And my mom's call was very encouraging to me for I've been praying for her.

Anyway, today's Wendesday I am going to fast for lunch. So often want to quit yet so long for the close time with God. Please pray for God's help for me to last...Thank you!