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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
Season of Lent - What are you turning from?
You may have seen a thread I started called "The Problem With Prayer" a month or so back. In there I admitted that I have a judgmental and critical thought process when I read or hear the prayer requests from others. I always try to evaluate the worthiness of the prayers. The ones that tug on my heart meet the test. But the ones that seem shallow or selfish don't make it into my prayer list.

Lately, I've been thinking about what I want God to change in me. I am ready to turn away from the impulse to silently judge and critique prayers. Instead, I want to turn towards God by first loving the person that is asking for prayer and then join him/her in their request, thereby letting God sort it out and do His will. In doing so, I hope to be able to demonstrate God's unconditional love to others.

What do you sense God is asking you to repent from in your life?
Craig from Illinois 03/10/2011 15:22

Jenna in Austin 03/11/2011 08:32
Wow, Craig. This has been my prayer for a while... I confess that I silently judge others and it happens so naturally. But really, we're all sinners and I know intellectually that it is not my place to judge. But I do it anyway. I know that only by the power of the Holy Spirit that I will be able to shed my critical and judgemental ways. I want to be more loving. I don't want to be so negative. I can sense God gently guiding me, leading me, but I am so resistant sometimes! Ugh! I just want to RETREAT into Him. I will pray for you Craig. I'm glad you posted this. :o)

TRWord 03/23/2011 13:58
Hi Craig

What is your understanding of why we should fast.
John T 03/23/2011 14:48
The Bible talks about fasting for the bridgegroom's coming. Sometimes the fast is just in expectation for Christ's return!
Craig from Illinois 03/28/2011 21:40

I failed.
John T 03/29/2011 14:25
What's going on Craig?
How are you?
Sarajane8 03/30/2011 04:00
TV and its going good
Craig from Illinois 03/30/2011 08:11
John - I'm just experiencing some gains and losses in this battle to pray unconditionally with a loving heart. Every once in a while I succumb to my judgmental attitude; like yesterday.

Sarajane - I'm glad to hear that you are having some gains in your quest to decrease your TV viewing time. That came natural for me over the past year. There is so much conviction over what is immoral and time-wasting on TV.

Amanda 03/30/2011 11:06

i gave up TV too and it has been so awesome. I have now given TV a new name it is called "The Life Suck."

what do you do in place of TV?


I'm with you on the prayer thing. It is easier to have a judgmental attitude when you don't know the person, personally. I have come to the realization that I have to cut people some slack. We don't know peoples histories, their past and what lead to that phone call. Who knows whats going on behind the scenes! Maybe all we are getting is a snap shot of whats really going on. That is what helps me soften my heart, not saying I have mastered it by any means, its just what helps me.