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Hey everyone! it's been awhile since I have been on here because life has just been too busy. In fact, it's been so busy I have once again fallen into laziness in the area of my time with God. I have a hard time making it a priority between 2 jobs, and working overtime for my full time job. I attend an amazing church and every Sunday I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle life with God again. But then Monday comes, and I am tired and busy and He gets pushed to the side.

Will you all please pray for me that I will make time with God a priority this week? I don't have as many hours at my second job so I will have some free evenings and I don't want to waste them watching reruns of the Golden Girls (my guilty pleasure. lol).

If any of you struggle with this as well, which I am sure many do, and have found success in fighting the struggle, I would love to hear your stories and suggestions! thanks! God bless you all!!

RaceGirl 04/03/2011 19:44

Davidwayne Lackey 04/03/2011 20:16
Praying for you RaceGirl.
Jake Van Horn 04/04/2011 01:01
Praying with you RaceGirl. I know all to well how these things go. I like getting into the Word first thing in the morning. You never no where exactly the day is going but things just seem more clear with the right start.
Tom B 04/08/2011 10:25
I'm praying with you today too. How is it going for you?
Here is my tip by the way: Schedule your daily Time with God, and stick to that schedule. After a few week, the pattern will seem regular. I schedule my personal prayer and Bible time early in the morning. But that is because in my older age, I became a morning person.
Benjamin Gardner 04/11/2011 06:19
I can relate RaceGirl. Life can seem so hectic that you don't even realize that God hasn't been a priority until it's too late. Just like Jesus did during His travels, taking time out, even just a few minutes everyday, will reorient us to God. For me, the best time to connect with God is right before bed. I listen to the DAB and pray and think about the lessons from the message as I relax. It's worked for me.
Sharilynbuckmaster 04/15/2011 11:29
I am praying for you.