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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
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CharlieP 05/14/2011 19:31
It's rubbish. Beware false prophets!
John T 05/16/2011 16:56
:-) I had someone call me today and ask if they should drain their accounts and buy a Ferrari since they only had 'till Saturday! (I work at a credit union)
Frank 05/16/2011 18:43
Anyone given any thoughts what we might post here on May 22?
Davidwayne Lackey 05/16/2011 22:39
The man who predicted it is the same man who predicted it back in 1988. Mr. Campy proved to the world he was a false prophet then. Why is it even considered now seeing how it is coming from a proven false prophet? This man doesn't even call himself a prophet and yet he has prophesied the end. He has not only duped many but he has duped himself as well. He actually believes what he says. I think come May 22nd the only thing we should post is prayer for the poor lost souls who have been duped, including Mr. Campy. Self delusion is a sickness I don't believe we should harp on and say I told you so or to show any kind of ridicule for. To pray for his and others souls is the right thing to do.
Ted C 05/21/2011 00:54
OK, Fiji and New Zealand are going to be the first places in the world to experience 6:00 PM May 21st - in about five minutes. I just hope there's room for me in the little space ship travelling behind the comet...
Calico 05/21/2011 09:28

My daughter and I had a long discussion about Harold Camping ( last night; she had actually phoned me just after my going to bed, with some subtle anxiety. Sharing more information with her settled her, I think. On matters like this, though she is a savvy science student and is becoming a strong disciple of Christ, little nagging thoughts of "loss" in this life are still part of her view (and often we all have those thoughts, don't we?).

For my part, in some ways I WISH it were true, since the thought of Christ's return and our being with Him is a deep longing. Still, as with Paul, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith, so that your proud confidence in me may abound in Christ Jesus through my coming to you again." (Phil. 1:21 - 26; NAS).

I have this booklet,, it offers some good information about Mr. Camping and a refutation of his conclusions. Yet I agree with you about the man himself as a person, David: "he has duped himself as well. He actually believes what he says. I think come May 22nd the only thing we should post is prayer for the poor lost souls who have been duped, including Mr. (Camping). Self delusion is a sickness I don't believe we should harp on and say I told you so or to show any kind of ridicule for. To pray for his and others souls is the right thing to do."

Praying with you,

Ted C 05/22/2011 00:34
Didn't mean to sound so flippant in my earlier response.

This song really resonated with me tonight:

Petra - Whole World (from 1986's "Back To The Street"):

Hearts are falling left and right
Children fear this planet's plight
Fatalistic fears abound
And take their toll without a sound
But through the vague uncertainty - comes a bold assurity
This world is under sovereignty - divinely ordered destiny
He holds this world together with the Word of His power
Safe within His hands - til it's own appointed hour

He's still got the whole world in His hands - tonight
And only He knows where the sparrow lands - tonight
And nothing in this world can stop His plans - tonight
'Cause He's still got the whole world in His hands
In His hands tonight

Humanistic lies lament
The holocaust is imminent
Doomsday prophets in the news
Predicting who will light the fuse
The fate of His creation isn't subject to a man
The final consummation is according to His plan

He's still got you - He's still got me in His hands tonight
Jenna in Austin 05/22/2011 08:23
This is a very loving response to the followers of Harold Camping, and those who might have secretly hoped he was right...

I, of course, knew that Camping was wrong, but in my heart I long for the day that Christ comes back to establish His Kingdom. Come Lord Jesus!
Joyce 05/22/2011 08:53
I so agree Jenna. I am heavy hearted for all those who believed Mr. Camping. I can only imagine how they must be feeling and perhaps doubting their faith. So many are mocking and ridiculing and yet I sit in prayer for the many that thought they were right. May God protect them and encourage them this day and surround them with love and support.
John T 06/11/2011 19:47
I heard something today that made me smile. I guess some opportunistic folks were offering pet sitting services for those who expected to be caught up on that date -- for an up front fee, they would guarantee to take care of their dear pets. Oh my! :) In a way I smile about the opportunity - sort of like that shrewd manager in the Bible!
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