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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
Anybody want to help form a new ministry?
I've always been interested in teaching, which has lead me to learning. I've been compiling many resources that I want to recompile into courses.

I figure that I need a teacher or an ex-teacher that's interested in helping me form a few textbooks and videos. Anybody have any interest in this?
jonathonbyrd 05/09/2011 12:40

Jeremy Desjarlais 05/11/2011 15:53
What do you have in mind? Like textbooks for homeschool or for a Bible institute kind of thing? I also want to find some way of incorporating my teaching, book writing, and video making abilities into something. Please let me know what you are thinking about.

For the Kingdom,
Jeremy Desjarlais
jonathonbyrd 05/11/2011 16:03
I currently work as a web developer, so I've been designing and coding a site for a while. Just haven't integrated my design into the code yet :) It's basically a bible study website.

My other goal is to have a group of people that I can teach. But before I get to this point I want to have put together a textbook or two so that I make sure my own understanding has all of the holes filled.

That's what I have in mind. Send me your email address and I'll forward you the designs that I have for
Craig from Illinois 05/11/2011 22:11
Can't you figure out a way to use your mad computer skills to feed the homeless, purify dirty drinking water, care for the orphans, cure or prevent AIDS, clothe the needy, give shelter to those without a home?

Don't you think another bible study web site is too easy for you Jonathon? Think big & dream big dreams! Do something that will make people say "God did this!".

Sorry if my posts are too controversial. :)
Jeremy Desjarlais 05/12/2011 12:26

Please send me what you have so far and let's start dialoguing about what you have in mind and what we might be able to do. Please send to

For the Kingdom,
Jeremy Desjarlais