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Stories from the Front Lines
Walk with me...
Dear friends... I am new to you and I hope to engage some of you virtually in my work. Hopefully, you will allow me to post links on occasion to allow you to take a virtual prayer walk with me through the streets of Brno, Czech Republic. Today we will walk a street in the area known as Bohunice... we will see old communist style block apartments that have come to life with new color... and stroll through a small city park where the children are playing. Yes, please walk with me... click on the link below to see a full article and hear music to hopefully set the tone for our walk. Thank you and God bless you.

In His hand...
Randy Nicholas 05/25/2011 13:12

Joyce 05/25/2011 14:07
Great blog site Randy and a great idea. Love the music thanks. I will certainly will be checking in with you and of course joining you in prayer.

Hugs brother, Joyce