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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
God you are amazing, Your sovereignty puts me in awe. Your majesty and your kingship look down upon me as your servant, even though I cannot live up to your demands, your patience and your love overwhelm me. You are worthy Lord, you are Worthy.

I strive daily to please my Lord but fail minute by minute. Even when I was an abomination in your eyes Lord, your kindness and your faithfulness carefully and gently guided me to know the Truth about you Lord. Christ! You are my Lord. I will serve you with every ounce of my being, until my hands bleed with callous and my heart dies from the rejection of people.


Why do we hear so much about Christ as our personal savior and nothing as Christ as my sovereign Lord? I'm hunting for a new church, recently spoke with a pastor of a baptist church down the road in the process. He said that he doesn't like to preach Christ as Lord, because people don't accept it well.

WHY ARE WE NOT PREACHING ABOUT SIN? WHY WHY WHY! People need to know that they are sinners! We need to stop giving people OUR designed salvation plan through some damn prayer, and instead we need to let these people know their problem and direct them to God for salvation.

We need to let people know that they are rebelling against a Good and a Fierce God.
jonathonbyrd 06/01/2011 11:17

Calico 06/01/2011 15:03
Heya Jon,

For my part on what you're positioning here, I suppose I start with this: how are DOES one reach/engage-with "the people (who) need to know that they are sinners?" Is it possible for you to lay out, for those who visit this thread, the practicality of it? What does the engagement LOOK LIKE in the real lived-out day-to-day life of one who hopes to engage these ones who are sinners?

I have a multitude of thoughts about all that you've written above, but for now let me just start with that initial question.


jonathonbyrd 06/01/2011 15:35
When you have an opportunity to preach. Most people listening are not saved.
Calico 06/01/2011 16:26
Well, "preach" means different things to different people, brother. :-)

What is it that you mean by it? What does it look like in practical, real-life ways of engaging the person listening?

If there's no discussion/description for what this looks like in terms of the "how-to," we are in danger of being the "noisy gong or a clanging cymbal," where "if I have not love, I am nothing," and thus "I gain nothing." (1 Cor. 13:1b, 2b, 3b; ESV).

What is it that you do when you "have an opportunity to preach?"

Grace and truth,

John T 06/01/2011 18:49
Hi Jon,
While reading your initial post above, the story of the speeder and the judge by Ray Comfort came to mind. I would encourage a listen if you have the time sometime. He tells the story of a man who was speeding through a school zone but didn't realize it. When he comes before the judge still thinking he hasn't done anything wrong, and then is given a surprise gift of grace it doesn't mean anything to him. People often don't realize what salvation is since there is not reason to be saved explained. The second good analogy from the same fellow is the story of the parachute and the airplane, where he talks about putting on salvation for the right reasons. They're interesting analogies.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this all except to say that being light in a dark world doesn't always come through hitting people over the head with Bibles. People aren't generally frightened into heaven, and if they are, they may be just acting like a Christian and not truly converted.

Also, just a pet peeve, watch the capitals. Posting a thread title in all caps is a bit like yelling.

Be blessed,
Calico 06/01/2011 19:15
Yah John, the caps are a limitation, but it's the only way to add emphasis in text, since there's no ITALICS to use to EMPHASIZE something...


...but in this case, perhaps Jon had intended to state it quite loudly anyway? to produce a point of emphasis?
Calico 06/01/2011 19:19
Good point, too, John, about Ray Comfort's example!
John T 06/01/2011 19:23
Good point Tom, I would love for underline, bold, italics capabilities here!

Also, for Ray Comfort here are the links:

jonathonbyrd 06/01/2011 20:02
This isn't anything about getting people into heaven. It's about getting people to understand that they are sinners and they will suffer at the hand of God. Once people realize this, they'll go looking for true salvation.