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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
The hearts of the Innocent - a crushing, and a reflection
Blurbs on the world
After a long break from writing, I come back. New. Different. Yet the same. So it is with life, that the further we move down the path towards our destination – the next world – we are tried and tested or, as the preachers would quote, ‘assayed in the furnace like gold’.
In sociology class, I read an example (as I often read ahead due to boredom with the teaching, while somehow getting A’s still..) of a child raised until the age of thirteen in total neglect by her supposed father, as her mother had special needs. Owing to the treatment of the child, the young girl never even learned how to walk, and had a serious case of jaundice. She was functionally an infant, never learned to use a toilet – in short, she defecated on the floor. The social workers who found her placed her in a facility for mentally challenged people. Unfortunately, the child was utterly unable to grasp any concepts about personal belongings – everything she saw she took, and she never learned how to speak properly. She was moved into a facility for adults who couldn’t take care of themselves at the age of 21.
Clearly, a parent has an influential role on the development of a child. Not just things taught or shown, but things not taught and not shown. If a man never shows his son how to be a man, he’ll never learn – he’ll spend his days chasing women physically but never connecting emotionally or mentally, for example. That, to him, will be the mark of a man.
Do you look down on these people – these ‘arrogant pricks’ who treat women badly? Have you walked their life? Now, if you are a woman subject to their (attempted) charms, I understand (or probably don’t) your indignation, only please bear in mind that I am a man as I speak on this subject. Where is the father? What has he taught?
The wound in a man’s heart that cannot be erased by himself comes from his father. “There’s a young boy named Charles who loved to play the piano, but his father and brothers were jocks. One day they came back from the gym to find him a the keyboard, and who knows what else had built up years of scorn and contempt in his father’s soul, but his son received both barrels. ‘You are such a faggot.’”(Eldrege 72) Needless to say, Charles never picked up a keyboard ever again.
How can anyone do such a thing?
How easy is it to point the finger at others?
Granted, most of you probably wouldn’t have the nerve to say something like that to your son, but what is the worst thing you can think of yourself as a young person – the worst thing you did – the biggest, most asshole – ish thing about your character?
It doesn’t disappear with time. It just gets weathered and changes in appearance with age and then passed on if not dealt with. Yeah, I know, you thought life couldn’t be that hard – “wait. After everything else, now I have to look within to deal with the problems from without?
It starts from within – the cure for society, for the sickness that threatens to destroy everything. It was there during the time of the prophets of Israel before its destruction. Social oppression, corruption of religion, rampant promiscuity – things we take to be normal today. It is a truly sick society, truthfully. At the core of it all was the failure of religion to serve a beneficial purpose, yes, but deeper than even the core of it was the heart of humanity.
Something is sick in society, something is sick in us. We can choose to ignore it and surround ourselves with entertainment (with all due respect to entertainment), and stop searching once the questions get too deep for us to feel comfortable. But then what?
If you complain about change, change yourself first. Otherwise, accept your lot in life…
I have yet to see a cure for our sickness that doesn’t involve the big ‘r’ word – religion.
Now, don’t get me wrong – I hate church, and all that. It irritates me, not because I think it’s trash, but because I find it irrelevant for me – one hour of ‘evange – speak’ and all that gets very old very quick. I find it to be coarse and stupid to just dump an ideology in someone’s lap and tell them to run with it. Nonetheless, there is much I do not understand, and I could be wrong about all that – who knows? However, the religion I speak of isn’t a power trip, its not rules and overbearing self – righteous atmospheres and outdated music nobody in the service would listen to in a million years outside of church (depending on your church). No, this is something deeper – there’s an abandoning to mystery of some questions, but a searching no secularist could ever keep up with when it came to ultimate questions about who we are, why we’re here, and why there is suffering. And of course, how it all started.
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”(Matthew 7:7 – 8)
That, good sirs, is what Jesus promises to us and our questions. Through all the pain, suffering, hatred, rage, contentment, ambition, and epiphanies, we will find those questions.
Only if we pursue, and are persistent with knocking, seeking and asking.
But in regards to the next generation, please bear in mind this.
this is what is happening! We must be tireless! Can you prove me wrong about needing religion to do all these things? Please do, if you so desire to disprove me. But the young ones (myself, yourself, and every single bully or prick you’ve ever met), are being and have been crushed at heart. Out of hatred for that fate, strive to learn and put into practice the best way to guard and grow the hearts of the innocent. Don’t abandon them when they need you – this is a 24/7 job to be a parent (which I can contently say is not my job.), but whew! Was there a lot of small print in the equation or what? Doesn’t sound like what you signed up for, does it?
And reach out once your family unit has been nurtured well, as you feel led to do. And most importantly, make sure you are nurtured by your father – ‘abba’, as the bible calls Him. That way, you overflow with the love needed in this hateful, hostile world. You do have an ally – you have a bodyguard – a ‘big daddy’. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”(Matthew 6:33)
Now, go forth and make a difference, come obstacle, hindrance, prick or personal tragedy, and be a warrior, for humans are fighers. That’s how we’ve made it this far!

Bibleman 06/17/2011 22:50