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LONG WALK 2011 Stories
Beauty in the city
I was weary of the long walk. I live so near to Birmingham (uk) city centre I thought I had no chance of finding somewhere beautiful. But my local park proved me wrong. It was beautiful. I have so much to stress about and I love to stress but I promised myself I'd focus on the lord. Me, my baguette, my bible and perry hill park. I spent a lot of time in the car because of the on and off rain spells, which just made the place look beautiful and smell amazing.
Praise God. He knows my fears and stresses. I'm trusting in him.
Tonimony 07/07/2011 17:39

Tammy 07/08/2011 14:22
I'm glad he let you rest.
Chris Chapan 07/08/2011 16:34
I did a city a few years ago. The most important thing is giving to God.
Millynne Brown 07/10/2011 22:31
Glad you took the time, even if it wasn't a literal walk... And to God the city is beautiful, even parts we might not think are... but it's because it's the people of the city that are beautiful to God... And yes, God knows you and all your fears and stress, but also your hopes and dreams. So keep trusting Him to show you the paths you need to follow.