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LONG WALK 2011 Stories
Long Walk on Riley Trails, Holland, Michigan
This walk was about being quiet, taking in the beauty and trusting. I went to an unfamiliar trail and I'm not too good at map reading and following the trail. So a few times I got a little nervous--thinking I got off the trail. Reflecting on it afterward, what did I have to be nervous about? I was walking with God, right? The worst could happen and I'd still be with him. So I remind myself to let the fears go and trust. A lesson I have to keep learning.

Ellen Alderink 07/07/2011 21:12

Daniel Johnson Jr 07/08/2011 07:32
I was walking in some woods yesterday myself, and I felt a little uneasy because I haven't spent much time in the outdoors, lately, myself. Talking about it with our LORD really helped me, too!
Chris Chapan 07/08/2011 16:35
Yup. It is all about the journey.