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LONG WALK 2011 Stories
Rock and Shelter
We took our long walk in Charnwood, Leicestershire, UK. Like most people with a young family I guess we feel quite bombarded a lot of the time. We had taken time off, made arrangements for the kids, determined to spend time with God and it just all got over taken with a complicated insurance thing to sort out first thing and then when we finally went out, really heavy rain! We decided to carry on but honestly we were struggling to feel very connected to God trudging through a dripping forest. Suddenly we rounded a corner and found a really carefully made little shelter by some rocks. Just then the rain stopped. "My rock and my shelter" to paraphrase Psalm 18:2 and 2 Sam 22:3. I was so surprised that even though I didn't feel very spiritual just then or really reaching out to God, He met us with a really literal picture to reassure, inspire and father us. The rain started again and we went on a bit further and found a really big rock that you could literally shelter under. Just in case we hadn't got it the first time... Needless to say the sun did come out eventually! pics:
HazCabz 07/09/2011 05:38

Leslie 07/09/2011 07:58
HazCabz, Your photos and story are amazing. Good for you for pushing through the not so perfect circumstances! That is the best part of the story! I love Psalm 18:2. God's word coming alive in your long walk is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.... :) one of my favorites....

blessings, Leslie
deborah 07/11/2011 08:06
I love how God touches each of us in so many different ways on our longwalks. It is in different ways for each of us but always exactly what we need. One thing we so often share is the fight to reach that place though, whether it be delays, change of plans, indecision, or a feeling of disconnect. It's like a slice of our every day journey of faith I guess, all rolled up into a single day's experience. Thank you for sharing your lovely story.