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Stories from the Front Lines
Since I've been in the Word again...
Hey, guys. I just started following the Audio Bible for just about a week. (Could never get through the Bible on my own for some reason). I already see changes in me and I had a riveting dream early this morning.

Just to brief it. - Basically, I saw how the enemy has already been trying to keep me from making these changes in the Lord and lying to me. And when I woke up, it was intense but then within a few minutes everything came so clear to me. I just feel like God used this to show me the spiritual warfare going on. And I saw how much I need him and that he's already moving in my life. I also saw so clear, how sneaky the enemy is, and how vulnerable we really are. At any time! But especially when God is working!! Whenever God shows me things like this, I just tear like crazy, because my heart belongs to him. Whew, sounds like I need to keep up staying in the Word and start looking for a Church and or Prayer Group again like this week.

One of the words Bryan shared was about how we need to just inundate ourselves with the Lord, his Word, prayer, Fellowship - JESUS. And then God showed it to me, personally in my dreams.

I just want to say - "Thank you, Lord! I love you! Keep me walking in your Sunshine at all times, so your work can be done. That's ALL I'm here for, thanks to your love and mercy."

Thanks for the Community out there, guys!

Starlette ForGod 07/12/2011 13:37

Jason Heffner 03/13/2012 22:10
It's is important To have a good daily walk. Satan really tries to mess things up....
Jake Van Horn 03/15/2012 00:52
Kristen, great post! I'm bummed its just now getting bumped. Praying with you.
Tom B 08/07/2012 10:29
Welcome. Thanks for sharing your meditations here.
Kelley 08/08/2012 18:55
wow! good for you! Keep sharing your experiences as you go, I"d love to keep hearing from you!