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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
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Leslie 07/29/2011 08:04
Josiah~ Helga is such a wise woman...I am praying her thoughts for you and your marriage...don't focus on things that make you feel less than in God's eyes or on things that you think you deserve. Our Almighty God is always working on your behalf, your marriage, and your wife's behalf.

As I sit here and listen to the podcast today with Jill and Brian reading from Africa and speaking of genocide and their reaction to it all and then considering the fight for life classes and the major and minor themes...and as I read your heart crying out for support, I am reminded that we are all in different places in our lives, but our prayers are united. You aren't alone Josiah in your difficult season. You aren't. Keep Him as the lamp onto your feet in order to know His direction in your prayers and steps. Blessings, Leslie
Helga 07/29/2011 23:28
Thanks Leslie and you just as wise
and if one looks back in life, Josiah and you have fought for love and peace at home, you will see God how He worked as much in your life as He does in your wife's. That's why it is called "the fight for life". God is the LIFE ........and I always get reminded that : This is not about us but all about God. Lord help Josiah right now........
yoshif8tures 07/30/2011 04:10
Thanks guys, it's good to know that you're not we're not alone in the fight for life.
mrtray 09/11/2011 02:14
Hi Josiah, just happen to be reading Paul's letter to the Corinthians. Have a look at 1 Corinthians 7.
It may be speaking of your plight versus 12-16 in particular.
The Message or KJV

Ted C 09/11/2011 23:02
Josiah, on a practical level, the book "The DNA of Relationships" by Gary Smalley is incredible, and if you need help setting personal boundaries and intereacting with her, or if things are strained, etc., I'd highly recommend it.

Lily Snyder 09/29/2011 08:57
Josiah, I read 1Corinthians7 on Mr. Tray's advice... My husband is not what you would call a strong believer... I was really comforted by the passage. I listen to daily audio bible before bed, since we are together, my husband also hears the readings. I think that he has definitely become more open to the message after hearing the word over time. I'm not sure if that would be off-putting to your wife (at first my husband complained a bit), but it's worth a shot.
With Love and Prayer for you and your Wife,
skeffie 10/01/2011 20:58
Hi Josiah, I too am struggling with the same situation, and there is a tendency to focus on the unsaved spouse and the marriage when our own personal focus should be on Jesus, living for him, worshipping him, growing closer to him and living how he would want us to live. Your unsaved wife is HIS responsibility, his burden so cast it on God and live out your personal relationship with christ. God has a plan for your spouse. Ask God to make you part of that plan. Pray in faith...pray for the giftings that will unfold in your wife's life when she becomes a christian. There's a book by Mo Tizzard which is about her journey with her unsaved husband but I'm sure the principles and truths in it work the other way around! :-)

Also some of the fight for life classes which you can download from DAB really spoke to me regarding spiritual warfare and marriage.


Lanny Carlson 10/04/2011 19:21

You say you are married to an "unbeliever"
and that you don't see any change in her.
But I'm not clear as to what changes you want to see.

She isn't a Christian believer,
but does she have any faith tradition at all?
If so, have you learned anything about her faith tradition?
If you did, she might be more open to learning about your faith.
Also, in an age of interfaith dialogue,
we are discovering that we have much more in common than we may think.
If THAT'S the issue, don't allow it to become a stumbling block to your marriage.

Or is the issue over moral values or lifestyle?

Or is the issue something else?

Whatever the issue, though, I agree with the comments made earlier -
"Love her when its easy and love her even more when its hard."
That's advice both of you need to take to heart.


Grace and Peace,
Lanny Carlson

Kev K 10/21/2011 15:53
Praying for you and your spouse Josiah. Lots of great advice on this page, some that has been useful to me.
Kimberly Kostescu 12/18/2011 16:19
Joaih, I've been where you are! Never give up praying regardless of what you think you see. After 12 years of prayer and asking my husband kindly and in love to come with me to church or whatever church function I was attending, not nagging mind you, just asking for his company, and being ok when he consistently declined, the Holy Spirit touched his heart and one day he actually said YES! I was so thrilled of course but I knew from that moment on that God was working. Within 6 months of learning and teaching in the body of Christ, he was baptised too! Today he still serves the Lord, in fact, we serve in ministry together :) God is faithful and God is good. His plan is always better than any of ours!
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