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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
ANTI Christ an Alien.

Dear Family,

Have you ever considered that the anti Christ may not even be a human being? next year is very significant in regards to a galactic alignment. The Vatican has now openly admitted that we are not alone and talk of the Pleiadians and other extraterrestrial beings is rife right now. However would we dismiss it? Our father is the Father of the Universe so why do we box him to human activity only.

I thought up until very recently that the anti Christ would be a politician however now I am not so sure. I think it's bigger than politics and the show has to be spectacular to fool even the elect?

I have been doing some research and now I am leaning towards an extraterrestrial being coming to earth and making everything seem better. Religion/ relationship with Christ will not be needed as you will be taught to get in touch with the creator within you something like that.

Sounds crazy right?? I thought so too until I started reading up and cross referencing with the Bible,taking things to a different level and looking at the stage on a Universal scale rather than confining it to a Earthly matter. Now it all looks very different.

What are you thoughts?
Sarajane8 09/16/2011 07:30

Ray 09/16/2011 10:14

Personally, I don't have time to spend as much as I'd like in prayer and study of the one who loves me. I sure don't have time to speculate about what might be true about the thief. I'm glad you do and I'm not joking, I think asking questions can be a Godly thing.

I'd never heard the word "Pleiadian" before your post. I typed it into google and got a bunch of pages from astrologist like this:
Are you an astrologist, Sarajane?

I read somewhere and wrote down everything but the source, so forgive me kind author:
"The words point to a living relationship that we can have and walk in. The word is a standard we can learn from and it points to a new way of walking and relating to God who is everywhere and is involved in our lives daily. To not seek Him daily is a serious decision."

Your question makes me ask my question. Do I seek Him, really? I'd suggest praying about the Pleiadians. Ask and listen to what He says you need to be pursuing in this area. Like I said, I think asking questions is of God. The fact that you can ask Him is a miracle.

Let us know what you hear.
Sarajane8 09/16/2011 16:51
Hi Ray,

No I am not an astrologist, however I do love looking at the stars and am fascinated with Space, planets and Universe. I remember once I was very upset and I was looking up and I said "So what are you going to do for me now then" just as I said that a shooting star shot across the sky. I smiled. Years later I was watching a documentary on how stars are formed I saw a star nursery and it was magnificent.

I got onto this subject after having a debate with a friend who believes the Sumerian/Annunaki theory so I began to research it. I came across the Talmud of Jmmanuel and then began to research it's author who claims to have spoken with these Plieadians. The story of how the Talmud was found doesn't sound right to me at all so this guy Billy Meier may be a hoaxer.

These Pleiadians are apparently Nordic looking beings with forward facing ears, they were the ones who made contact with Hitler in order preserve their linage we all know where that led. They also sound like the god who the Mayans worshipped as they were pale skinned with long blond/white hair and blue eyes. The Mayans are the ones who's calendar ends 12/12/2012

It all sounds pretty crazy at first however I began to look at the word and how things match up they are just not said in the same way.

I will pray about it of course and have spoken to HIM already



Ted C 09/17/2011 15:49
God could certainly have created other intelligent beings in the universe. The question we're left with though would be: Are they fallen or unfallen? God gave us choice, to follow Him or not - without which there would be no ability to freely respond to God in Love, because love involves a choice. Without choice, we'd be like computer screens with a screensaver saying, "I love You... I love You..." If the other beings were unfallen, it is questionable whether they would contact us, be allowed to contact us, or choose to contact us. If they were fallen, they would be under the same curse of sin and work as mankind and it's unlikely they'd be advanced enough to reach us.

Genesis 3:17b-19 "...Cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you will eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

I think it's unlikely, though, that there are other beings. Or that if there are, that they are unfallen, because Romans 8:18-23 says:

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body."

Now I think it's interesting that when people describe alien encounters, they inevitably describe the same emotions, stimulus and experiences which accompany encounters with fallen angels: Paralyzing fear; a strong and immediate feeling of abhorrence and wanting to flee; emotional and physical violation, etc. And tales of alien encounters and supposed alien knowledge also always point towards a religious belief in evolution and chance as being the god of the universe, or of ever increasing enlightenment and evolution of man into a divine being and part of a singular god-consciousness of the universe, etc.

This all being the case, I think that most purported alien encounters, however sincere they may be, are actually cases of the enemy manifesting and trying to deceive people.
Ted C 09/17/2011 16:15
By the way, a great book on cosmology, astronomy and the observed universe from a Christian perspective is, "Show Me God: What the Message from Space is Telling Us About God" It's a few years old now and it's still spot on. You can use the "Look Inside" feature on Amazon to read the table of contents if you want. I think you might find it very interesting.