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WOW! What a weekend!!
I had to drive all night from the Omaha airport to my home in Estherville, Iowa through THICK fog and numerous detours,arriving home at 6:30 in the morning - but it was worth it. The Spirit Fest Celebration in Waynesboro, PA, was INCREDIBLE!! Where else could a retired United Methodist pastor like me go to a Jewish Retreat Center and join with Sikhs, Jews, Catholics, and others to praise and worship the ONE GOD! Wow!!!
Being there was a miracle in itself. I could not have afforded to go in our present situation, but I contacted Spirit Voyage (the sponsors of the event) to see if funds were available, and the VERY NEXT DAY, they received a call from an anonymous donor wanting to start a fund to enable someone each year to attend who would not otherwise be able to go. And I was notified that same day that I was invited! A coincidence? Or a "God thing"? I know what I choose to believe, and am deeply grateful to God, to the donor, and to all who had any part in this amazing event. I have posted pictures on my Facebook page, and will probably be posting more, at!/media/set/?set=a.10150319668548444.361727.629338443&type=1
"Official" photos are being posted at!/media/set/?set=a.274589115892665.70027.254079254610318
Praise God!I will forever be grateful for the event, the wonderful new friends I met, the spiritual uplifting this weekend provided - and now for the opportunity to pass the word along!! Sat Nam ...Shalom...grace and Peace to all of you!
Lanny Carlson 09/20/2011 17:01